Awards & Honors
The American Society of Civil Engineers invites nominations for more than 85 Society Awards that recognize civil engineers who advance the profession either through achievement or published papers. A wide array of honors, several including cash prizes, exist to award students, younger members, career professionals, projects, authors of ASCE-published papers, and researchers/educators.
The Society needs your participation in this important activity. Please consider supporting your colleagues, employees, and students by making them candidates for one or more Society Award.
For questions or assistance, contact the ASCE Awards & Honors program.
Nomination deadlines vary.
Always consult individual award rules to determine the entry deadline and to learn how to nominate a deserving candidate.
- Advocate of the Year Award - Individual
- Advocate of the Year Award - Team
- AEI Committee Chair Award
- AEI Outstanding Administrative Service Award
- AEI Outstanding AE Educator Award
- AEI Technical Activities Award
- Airfield Pavement Practitioner Award
- Ang Award on Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure, Alfredo
- Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award
- ASCE Associate Editor Award
- ASCE Charles Pankow Award for Innovation
- ASCE Excellence in Journalism Award
- ASCE Region 10 Distinguished Service Medal Award
- Award of Excellence of the Pipeline Division
- Baker Award, Wallace Hayward
- Bartholomew Award, Harland
- Bažant Medal for Failure and Damage Prevention, Zdeněk P.
- Bechtel Pipeline Engineering Award, Stephen D.
- Bechtel, Jr. Energy Award, Stephen D.
- Bickel Award, John O.
- Billington Award, David P.
- Biot Medal, Maurice A.
- Can-Am Civil Engineering Amity Award
- Carl L. Monismith Lecture on Pavement Engineering
- Casagrande Professional Development Award, Arthur
- Cermak Medal, Jack E.
- Chow Award, Ven Te
- Civil Engineering Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- Cold Regions Engineering Student Paper & Poster Awards
- Collingwood Prize
- Columbia Medal
- Computing in Civil Engineering Award
- Construction Institute Award for the Advancement of Women in Construction
- Construction Institute Outstanding Young Professional or Student Award
- Construction Management Award
- Croes Medal, J. James R.
- Da Vinci Award
- Duke Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Award, Charles Martin
- Einstein Award, Hans Albert
- EWRI Journal Awards
- EWRI Lifetime Achievement Award
- EWRI Outstanding Chapter
- EWRI Task Committee Excellence Award
- ExCEEd Teaching Award
- Forensic Engineering Award
- Frangopol Medal for Life-Cycle Engineering of Civil Structures, Dan M.
- Freese Environmental Engineering Award and Lecture, Simon W.
- Freudenthal Medal, Alfred M.
- Friedman Professional Recognition Award, Edmund
- Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement, Edmund
- Government Civil Engineer of the Year Award
- Greeley Award, Samuel Arnold
- Halpin Award for Scholarship in Construction, Daniel W.
- Harry Schnabel Jr. Award
- Hering Medal, Rudolph
- Hilgard Hydraulic Prize, Karl Emil
- Hinds Award, Julian
- History and Heritage Award, Civil Engineering
- Hoffman Award, Phillip R.
- Horner Award, Wesley W.
- Horonjeff Award, Robert
- Housner Structural Control and Monitoring Medal, George W.
- Howard Award, Ernest E.
- Huber Civil Engineering Research Prizes, Walter L.
- Hydraulic Structures Medal
- Innovation in Sustainable Engineering Award
- International Coastal Engineering Award
- Iwan Award for Mentors in Mechanics Research, Wilfred D.
- Jeffrey B. Bradley Service to the Institute Award
- Journal of Architectural Engineering Best Paper Award
- Kapp Foundation Engineering Award, Martin S.
- Kenny Childs Award
- Laurie Prize, James
- LeFevre Award, Walter
- Lenox ExCEEd Leadership Award, Thomas A.
- Lund Practice Award for Lifeline Risk Reduction, Le Val
- Magoon Sustainable Coasts Award, Orville T.
- Margaret S. Petersen Award
- Masters Transportation Engineering Award, Frank M.
- Mead Prize for Students, Daniel W.
- Mead Prize for Younger Members, Daniel W.
- Michel Award for Industry Advancement of Research, Henry L.
- Middlebrooks Award, Thomas A.
- Mindlin Medal, Raymond D.
- Moffatt-Nichol Harbor and Coastal Engineering Award
- Moisseiff Award
- Moore, Jr. Award, Walter P.
- Mujumdar Resilience Award, Vilas
- Nettleton Outstanding PA Award
- Newmark Medal, Nathan M.
- Noble Prize, Alfred
- Norman Medal
- Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award
- Outstanding Public Official Award
- Outstanding Support of a Student Chapter
- Outstanding Younger Member in the Private Sector
- Outstanding Younger Member in the Public Sector
- Outstanding Younger Member Employer Recognition Award
- Outstanding Younger Member Group Project
- Outstanding Younger Member Group Digital Outreach
- Outstanding Younger Member in ASCE Activities
- Outstanding Younger Member in Community Activities
- Outstanding Younger Member in Government Relations
- Outstanding Younger Member in JEDI Activities
- Outstanding Younger Member Peers Group Award
- Outstanding Young Government Civil Engineer of the Year
- Parcel-Sverdrup Civil Engineering Management Award
- Peck Award, Ralph B.
- Peurifoy Construction Research Award
- Peyton Award for Cold Regions Engineering, Harold R.
- Pioneers in Groundwater Award
- Planning & Management Council Service to the Profession Award
- Prakash Award & Lecture, Shamsher
- Presidents-Emeriti Council Award, ASCE
- President's Medal, ASCE
- Professional Practice Ethics and Leadership Award, The
- Project Excellence Award
- Reese Research Prize, Raymond C.
- Rickey Medal
- Ridgway Student Chapter Award, Robert
- Roberts Global Sustainability Award, Donald V.
- Roebling Award
- Rossberg Award for Collaboration, James A.
- Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award, Hunter
- Rowland Prize, Thomas Fitch
- Scanlan Medal, Robert H.
- Seed Medal, H. Bolton
- SEI Chapter of the Year Award
- SEI Graduate Student Chapter of the Year Award
- SEI President’s Award
- Shinozuka Medal, Masanobu
- Shortridge Hardesty Award
- Smith Award, Wilbur S.
- State-of-the-Art of Civil Engineering Award, ASCE
- Stevens Award, J.C.
- Student Leadership Award
- Surveying and Mapping Award
- T&DI Outstanding Younger Member Award
- T.Y. Lin Award
- Terzaghi Award, Karl
- Terzaghi Lecture, Karl
- Tewksbury Award, Dennis L.
- Tipton Award, Royce J.
- Torrens Award, Richard R.
- Turner Award, Francis C.
- UESI Project of the Year Award
- UESI Younger Member of the Year Award
- Urban Water Resources Research Council Founders’ Award
- Urban Water Resources Research Council Outstanding Service Award
- von Karman Medal, Theodore
- W. Gene Corley Award
- Wellington Prize, Arthur M.
- Wilhoite Innovations in Transmission Line Engineering Award, Gene
- Winter Award, George
- Wisely American Civil Engineer Award, William H.
- Younger Member Group Award