The following is a statement by Maria Lehman, President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

RESTON, Va. – ASCE joins Capitol Hill and the infrastructure community in mourning the loss of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). At 90 years old, Sen. Feinstein was the longest-tenured female senator in U.S. politics and an immensely influential voice in the U.S. Senate and her home state of California. A true pioneer in U.S. politics, Sen. Feinstein was the first female mayor of San Francisco and one of the first women elected to the U.S. Senate from California.

During her three decades in the Senate, Sen. Feinstein was a staunch advocate for issues impacting the engineering profession and strongly supported the recent passage of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). Sen. Feinstein was a champion for legislation to mitigate the impacts of climate change, a strong supporter of bills to improve drinking water for disadvantaged communities, and, in recent years, served as ASCE’s key champion for both the reauthorization of the National Dam Safety Program and the 21st Century Dams Act.

Sen. Feinstein consistently sought middle ground on issues that were pertinent to all Americans, a rare and admirable trait in our increasingly divisive political climate. ASCE will remember Sen. Feinstein for all that she accomplished on behalf of our nation’s infrastructure, and we look forward to continuing her fight to ensure our infrastructure systems can withstand the impacts of increasingly severe weather events. Our deepest sympathies go out to her family.

About the American Society of Civil Engineers

Founded in 1852, the American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 civil engineers worldwide and is America's oldest national engineering society. ASCE works to raise awareness of the need to maintain and modernize the nation's infrastructure using sustainable and resilient practices, advocates for increasing and optimizing investment in infrastructure, and improve engineering knowledge and competency. For more information, visit or and follow us on Twitter, @ASCETweets and @ASCEGovRel.