Elected Region 4 Director

Vision statement
I would like to ask for your vote to be your next Region 4 Director. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have been in this role for the past year. This has been a great opportunity for me to have a deeper understanding of the vision and strategic goals of the Society. The knowledge I have acquired over the past year has provided me with a greater understanding on how to better reorganize and reenergize Region 4, as well as expand our reach toward the future.
My goal for our Region is to provide member value. This aligns with the strategic initiatives that the Society is adopting. By providing member value, we will have a more robust community of engineers. Member Value means something different for each and every member. I aim to provide the tools that are needed for our student chapters, branches, and sections to be successful. As a steward for Region 4, I will work diligently with the society leaders, Regional Leaders, Section & Branch Leaders, and Student leaders to improve communication, be present as needed, and help to the best of my ability.
As the Director of Region 4, I am looking forward to be in a position of influence and advocate for our current members and to the next generation of civil engineers. From the colligate student entering the workforce, the fifth grader building balsawood bridges, the Younger Member thinking of making a career change, the seasoned professional that is juggling a family or potentially taking care of an aging family member, or the retired professional trying to give back to their community, ASCE should be the guiding beacon to help our members realize the important roles each of them play as valued members of our society, no matter what stage of their career they are in. Region 4 and the Society needs to be welcoming and inclusive, allowing us to advance the civil engineering profession. It would be my honor to represent Region 4 and provide me the opportunity to create a lasting legacy for Region 4.
Biographical statement
- BS Civil Engineering from Old Dominion University (2005)
Certification and licenses
- Professional Engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of North Carolina
Work experience
- 18+ years of experience in Roadway/Transportation and Site Development
- Current Project Manager at the City of Virginia Beach – Transportation Department
- Past Employers include Pennoni, RK&K, and Landmark Design Group
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Current Region 4 Director
- Region 4 Governor for the VA Section (2017-2023), Region 4 Secretary (2015-2023)
- Served on CSM (Committee on Student Members) from 2016-2020
- Region 4 At-Large Governor – (2015-2017)
- Strategic Initiatives Alignment Committee (2023)
Local level
- Current Practioning Advisor for ODU (since 2013)
- Serves as a judge for the Marr Technical Paper and Hardy Cross Oratory Competitions at the Virginias Student Symposium (since 2011)
- VA Section – Served as Past President, President, President-Elect, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary, Webmaster. Also served on VA Section Centennial Committee
- Norfolk Branch – Past President, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, YM Chair, Programs Chair, Educational Outreach, Corresponding Younger member.
- ODU Student Chapter – President, Secretary, Concrete Canoe Captain
Other volunteer activities
- Member of ODU Civil and Environmental Engineering Visiting Council (CEEVC) – Member of Fundraising Committee and Webmaster (current – since 2013)
- Angel Tree at Saint Gregory the Great Church in Virginia Beach (current – since 2018)
- Greeter at Saint Gregory the Great Church in Virginia Beach (from 2010-2020)
- Business Insider 40 under 40 (2021)
- ODU Inaugural 40 under 40 (2021)
- Civil Engineering Inspiring Wonder – Outstanding Community Service Recognition (2018)
- ASCE Virginia Section Service Award (2016)
- ASCE Thompson Award (2005)