ASCE is the most highly regarded organization representing civil engineers with a focus of support for our individual members and growth and protection of our profession. I am committed to the furtherance of the goals of our organization: to enhance the technical and leadership capabilities of our members, to continually drive the positive impact of civil engineering in our world and to raise the prominence and stature of civil engineers.
My vision for ASCE highlights our responsibilities as civil engineers. We are masters of the built environment and protectors of the natural environment. Our collective work not only safeguards the safety, health and welfare of all persons, our work improves the quality of everyone’s lives. As a Professional Engineer, licensed in the State of California, I am proud to be a civil engineer and career long member of our organization.
Our 2022 Strategic Plan is not just a document; it is a pledge. A pledge to not just react, but to anticipate; not just to build, but to innovate; and not just to lead, but to inspire. We are nimble by rapidly addressing new, emerging issues and challenges. Each of the six Strategic Objectives of the Plan (Innovate, Advocate, Inspire, Stimulate, Magnify and Deliver) are integral pillars in supporting our ongoing efforts to uplift our profession and organization. Under my leadership, we will amplify our impact and expand the reach of our organization as a trusted brand to the larger community. Engaging with the broader business ecosystem is a necessity for the future of civil engineering. Through shared goals and mutual respect, our endeavors can benefit the world to include partnerships with contractors, suppliers, financiers, and allied professions.
A pivotal area of focus must be the fortification of our communication channels and coordination between the myriad components that form the collective that is ASCE. The Institutes, Regions, Sections, Branches, Younger Member Groups, Student Chapters and Academia are integral in the tapestry of our great organization. The power of collaboration, underscored by transparent and effective communication, is the catalyst that can propel us towards achieving our shared objectives. We are a vast organization with multiple individual interests and, together, as a collective group, we are powerful. I am a strong believer in collaboration resulting in the additive strength of coming together for a common goal. The advocacy efforts of ASCE have long been a source of strength and influence. I have spent much of the last 25 years working as an advocate for good public policy; educating local, state, and federal elected officials on the importance of enhanced investment in infrastructure. I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of our collective voice.
The success of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, for which ASCE appropriately takes credit, should only be the beginning of enhancing everyone's quality of life. The onus is on us to ensure success in the efficient application of this funding stream and to reinforce workforce development. The enactment of this Law is a testament to our volunteers and advocacy efforts. It serves as a blueprint that can be replicated on the global stage. The interconnectedness of the global engineering community necessitates the forging of strong alliances with other engineering societies and related professions. As your President, it will be my goal to drive the strengthening of our bonds with groups of similar interests in addressing societal challenges and the betterment of the world to drive positive change. Our communication with decision makers and the public will be strongly enhanced with consistent messaging, sharing the value that civil engineers bring to solving societal issues and working to heal the world. As a member of the Board of Direction, our recent actions to create the Office of Standards within ASCE along with the adoption of ASCE/COS 73-23, the world's first Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure, are major steps forward in putting our words into action.
My personal journey with ASCE began during my college days and it was during this time that I was introduced to the essence of what it means to be a civil engineer. One of the core values of ASCE that greatly appeals to me is our Code of Ethics. It is more than just words presented on paper; it is a compass steering my professional journey. This Code serves as the bedrock of our profession, guiding our every action and decision, ensuring that we uphold our sacred duty to society, the environment, our clients, and to each other. The emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion within ASCE is a testament to the organization’s necessary stance for humanity. During my term as Director of Region 9, I was privileged to spearhead the formation of our own Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to carry forward the work of the Society’s Members of Society Advancing An Inclusive Culture (MOSAIC) committee to the local level to enhance our understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of all persons within and outside our profession.
The position of President of ASCE is an opportunity to serve, to listen, and to lead. My vision for the American Society of Civil Engineers is clear: to foster a culture of continuous improvement, to serve all members with inclusiveness and respect, to tirelessly advocate for the advancement of our profession, to maintain open and transparent communication, to be future-ready, to champion wise public policies and infrastructure investments and to share with the world the great work of civil engineers. I am deeply committed to nurturing a culture within ASCE that is both efficient and respectful of our core values. Together, we can co-create a future that is reflective of our shared aspirations, where every member feels valued, every voice is heard, and every challenge is met with resilience and innovation. In this endeavor, I seek your trust, your insights, and partnership. Together, lets shape the future of ASCE as a family and, by extension, the future of civil engineering.
Biographical statement
Master of Business Administration, University of California, Riverside, CA
Bachelor of Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Irvine, CA
Certification and licenses
Professional Engineer, State of California, No. C-33496, 1981 - present
Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP), No. 9945, 2014 - present
Qualified Stormwater Practitioner/Developer (QSP/QSD), CA
Disaster Service Worker – State of California, Office of Emergency Services, No. 62637, 2005 - present
Work experience
Senior Project Manager, Ardurra Group Inc., Newport Beach, CA, September 2022 – present
Interim City Manager, City of Laguna Hills, CA, January 2021 – May 2022
Director of Public Works/City Engineer, City of Laguna Hills, CA, July 1995 – January 2021
Vice President, Berryman & Henigar, Santa Ana, CA, March 1985 - June 1995
Assistant City Engineer, City of Yorba Linda, CA, June 1980 - March 1985
Associate Civil Engineer, City of Lynwood, CA, April 1978 - May 1980
ASCE involvement
Society level
Region 9 Director, Member of the Board of Direction, 2020/2021 - 2022/2023
Member, Program and Finance Committee, 2022/2023
Chair, Task Committee to review the status of The Vision for Civil Engineering in 2025
Local Committee Convention Chair ASCE22 – Anaheim, CA, 2022
Chair, Transportation & Development Committee, 2009/2010 - 2014/2015
Transportation Track Lead for the California Annual Infrastructure Symposium, 2010, 2011, & 2012
Chair of the Transportation Section for the 2012 California Report Card
Participant in the annual Sacramento Legislative Advocacy Day 2010 – 2019, 2022 (virtual), 2023 and 2024
Past President, 2015/2016
President and Chair of the Annual Awards Event, 2014/2015
President-Elect, 2013/2014
Chair, Annual Awards Program, 2010/2011
Past President, 2009/2010
President, 2008/2009
Vice President, 2007/2008
Treasurer, 2006/2007
Secretary and Newsletter Chair, 2005/2006
Salt Lake City, UT 2007, Orange County, CA 2008, Sacramento, CA 2013, Phoenix, AZ 2014, Bellevue, WA 2015, Anchorage, AK 2016, Los Angeles, CA 2017, Las Vegas, NV 2018, Virtual 2021/2022, Anaheim, CA 2023, Kansas City, KS 2024, Miami, FL 2024, Seattle, WA 2024
Other volunteer activities
Three-time Chair of the Orange County Transportation Authority Technical Advisory Committee for implementation of Measure M funding
President, Orange County City Engineers Association, 2003
Member, American Public Works Association
Fellow, Institute of Transportation Engineers
Outstanding Civil Engineer in the Public Sector, ASCE Region 9, 2022
25-year Service Award, City of Laguna Hills, CA, 2020
President's Award, ASCE Los Angeles Section, 2018
Outstanding Civil Engineer in Legislative Activities, ASCE Los Angeles Section, 2015
Outstanding Civil Engineer in Legislative Activities, ASCE Orange County Branch, 2015
President's Award, ASCE Orange County Branch, 2014
Outstanding Engineering Merit Award, Orange County Engineering Council, 2013
Government Engineer of Merit, Orange County Branch, 2001
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., “5 Tips for answering post presentation questions”, Civil Engineering Online, August 2023.
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., “6 Errors to Avoid in Public Presentations”, Civil Engineering Online, July 2023.
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., “7 Tips to Help You Prepare to Speak Publicly”, Civil Engineering Online, June 2023.
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E. and Yazdan Emrani, P.E., “Effective Public Speaking”, APWA Reporter, September 2019 / Vol. 86, No. 9, p. 64
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., “Why Public Agencies Should Retain Consulting Engineers”, Civil Engineering News, February 1993
Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., Analysis of Local Public Agency Attributes and Consultant Utilization, a Master’s Thesis, June 1989
Public Speaking - Master this Hard Skill, APWA Convention, Atlanta, GA, 2024
Public Speaking - Master this Hard Skill, ASCE Convention, Chicago, IL, 2023
Public Speaking, Presentation and Communication Skills needed for Success! APWA Convention, Seattle, WA, 2019
Public Policy and You! ASCE Convention, New Orleans, LA, 2017
Public Works without Agency Staff - Alternative Service Delivery Options, APWA Convention, Phoenix, AZ, 2015
All Civil Engineering is Local, ASCE Convention, Montreal, Quebec, 2012
Want to help shape ASCE's future?
Be a part of the annual election and show your support for those willing to serve. Join other members and weigh in on ASCE’s future leaders.
Eligible ASCE members can vote in the election from 11:01 p.m. PDT on April 30, 2025 through 5:01 p.m. PDT on June 1, 2025. ASCE login information is required to participate. If you need assistance, please contact customer service at 1-800-548-2723. Prefer a paper ballot? Contact Wendy Dinwiddie before May 21, 2025.