Region 10 Director Official Nominee

Portrait of Bradley Kubiak - a man with brown hair wearing a blue shirt smiles at the camera 

Vision statement

As a candidate for Director of Region 10, I pledge to be a servant leader who serves as a strong voice for our members and an advocate for civil engineers worldwide. My vision is built on four interconnected pillars: Stronger Communication and Collaboration, Innovation and New Technologies, Sustainability and Resilience, and Member Engagement, Retention, and Growth. Guided by these principles, I aim to help propel civil engineering toward a future where it remains vital to infrastructure, societal progress, and environmental stewardship. To achieve this vision, I ask for your support and vote.

Civil engineers have always been forward thinkers, designing infrastructure to meet the needs of future generations. As Region 10 Director, I will focus on enhancing the value ASCE provides to its members while aligning Region 10’s activities with ASCE’s strategic initiatives. By improving communication and fostering robust collaboration with ASCE leadership, regional and section leaders, and our Institutes, I will work to cultivate a more vibrant and engaged community of ASCE members. Moreover, strengthening partnerships with other professional organizations and engineering societies globally will magnify our collective impact. Civil engineering underpins resilient, smart, and sustainable cities.

As president of Green Athens, I have witnessed the immense opportunities and challenges that cities face today. Staying relevant means embracing technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things. These tools enable us to enhance our projects' efficiency, safety, and sustainability. One of my top priorities will be advocating for adopting these technologies while fostering innovation.

I will help promote an inclusive culture that leverages this diversity to develop culturally sensitive and innovative engineering solutions. Our strength mainly lies in our diversity. I envision creating a robust network for knowledge exchange and facilitating cross-border collaborations on significant infrastructure projects. I aim to improve the cooperation within and beyond ASCE by enhancing coordination among Sections, Branches, Student Chapters, Institutes, and ASCE leadership.

Transparent and effective communication will be key in streamlining regional efforts and linking members with Society-level resources. Sustainability will be at the core of my efforts. As civil engineers, we must lead in sustainable development. We are ethically responsible for advocating for policies and practices prioritizing environmental sustainability and social value. By promoting life cycle thinking in project planning and utilizing modern management methods, we can effectively minimize environmental impacts and maximize community benefits, ensuring our engineering solutions meet the needs of present and future generations.

Community engagement is also paramount. Civil engineers have a unique role in enhancing lives through innovative solutions that promote safety, economic stability, and quality of life. Within Region 10, we will strive to encourage engineers to become more involved in public policy and advocate for robust infrastructure and sound funding decisions globally.

With over 40 years of managing large-scale civil and environmental engineering projects and over 15 years at the executive level of large construction companies with successful IPOs, I bring a wealth of expertise to this role. My career has been dedicated to addressing deteriorating infrastructure, climate change impacts, and management success at the portfolio, program, and project levels, and sustainability. My commitment to ASCE spans over two decades, with leadership roles at the Branch, Section, Region, and Society levels. These experiences have equipped me to lead Region 10.

I would be honored to serve as Director of Region 10. I have been elected twice as Governor of Region 10 and have been honored to serve the Society’s members for six consecutive years. As Director of Region 10, my vision is to further enhance member value, champion innovation, and promote sustainability, inclusivity, and collaboration.

Biographical statement


  • B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Salford University, UK
  • M.Phil. Hydraulic Engineering, London University, UK
  • Ph.D. Environmental Hydrodynamics, London University, UK

Certification and licenses

  • Licensed Civil Engineer in Greece and the European Union
  • Charted Water and Environmental Project Manager by C.I.W.E.M., 1986
  • ASCE, AAWRE, D.WRE, 2008

Work experience

  • Consultant, The World Bank Group, 2016-present
  • Owner, ECONTECH S.A., 2004-present
  • President, Green Athens S.A., 2021-2024
  • Consultant, The Netherlands Cadaster, 2013-2014
  • Board Member, Portfolio Manager, D-Construction Ltd., UK, 2007-2012
  • Managing Director, TECHNERGA S.A.,1999-2004
  • President, TRIAS S.A., 1991-1999
  • Board Member and Projects Director CCC S.A., 1988-1991
  • CCC S.A. Construction Manager, 1984-1988; Site Engineer, 1981-1984

ASCE involvement

Society level

  • Governor ASCE Region 10, 2019 - 2026
  • Member, ASCE Planning Committee On Global Sustainability, 2024-present
  • Founding member ASCE, AAWRE
  • ASCE Member, 1997-present

Local level

  • ASCE Hellenic Section
    • President, 2012-2020
    • General Secretary, 2007-2012
    • Founding Member, 2007

Other volunteer activities

  • President, Friends of the National Garden Society, 2020-present
  • Treasurer and Executive Board Member: Hellenic Construction Industry Council, 2021-present
  • Representative for Greece on the ISO TC 258 Committee (ISO 21500 Series on Project Management), 2008-present
  • Liaison of ISO TC258 with ISO TC59: Building and Civil Engineering Works, 2024-present
  • Project Management Institute (PMI), Chair for The Standard for Portfolio Management, 5th Edition (2023) - ANSI Standard.
  • Project Management Institute (PMI), Member, Standards Consensus Committee, 2021-present
  • President, PMI Greece Chapter, 2014-2021; Honorary President, 2022
  • Project Management Institute (PMI), Co-Writer of the following PMI


  • Navigating Complexity: A Practice Guide, 2014
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge, Construction Extension (3rd Ed.), 2015
  • The Standard for Portfolio Management (4th Ed.) - ANSI Standard, 2017
  • The Standard for Earned Value Management (3rd Ed.) - ANSI Standard, 2018
  • The Standard for Organizational Project Management, 2019
  • Subject matter expert/contributor on seven other PMI Global Standards