Elected Region 6 Governor

Vision statement
As a Region 6 Governor, I will work on facilitating the communication between the Region members and ASCE National and the Institutes, with focus on the New Mexico Section and El Paso Branch. I will seek input from the Region members and carry their concerns, ideas and needs to the Region leadership to address or consider. I am also committed to support the ASCE student chapters to participate annually in Regional and/or National Student Conferences and provide multiple opportunities for professional development. I will encourage their Student Chapter officers to participate in the workshops for student chapter leaders. Another of my goals is to promote Society and Institute membership among young engineers as well as their involvement in the Section activities. I am also interested in motivating local members to become active Branch members and take on officer roles, as well as in sharing good practices and ideas for membership recruitment and various initiatives that have proven successful in other Sections and Branches of the Region.
Biographical statement
- PhD, Civil/Geotechnical, Purdue University, 2003
- MS, Civil Engineering, Purdue University, 1999
- BS, Geological Engineering, Universidad de Oriente, 1993
- BS, Geology, Universidad de Oriente, 1993
Certification and licenses
- Professional Engineer, New Mexico (Civil/Geotechnical)
Work experience
- Professor 2021-present, Associate Professor 2008-2021, Assistant Professor 2002-2008, Civil Engineering Department, New Mexico State University
- Senior Geotechnical Engineer, WSP, 2023-present
- Teaching/Research Assistant, Purdue University, 1998-2002
- Instructor, School of Earth Sciences, Universidad de Oriente, 1993-1996
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Councilor, Technical Coordination Council, Geo-Institute, 2021-present
- Vice-Chair, Committee on Engineering Geology and Site Characterization, Geo-Institute 2023-present
- Geo-Poster Competition Director, Students Participation Committee, Geo-Institute, 2017-2019
- Technical Program Co-Chair, 2014 GeoCongress
Local level
ASCE New Mexico Section:
- Past-Presidents Committee Chair, 2009-2010
- President, 2008-2009
- President-Elect, 2007-2008
- Vice-President, 2006-2007
- Director, 2005-2006
Other volunteer activities
- STEM K-12 curricula development for Out-of-School-Time Program, 2018-2023
- Chair of two committees, committee member, Transportation Research Board, 2011-present
- VP-Education, NM Society of Professional Engineers, 2010-2012
- Faculty advisor: SWE, SHPE, Chi Epsilon, 2002-2021
- Wells-Hatch Endowed Professorship, NMSU, 2017-2023
- 2023 Donald Roush Award for Teaching Excellence, NMSU
- 2012 “Arthur N.L. Chiu” Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, Chi Epsilon
- 2007 Patricia Christmore Faculty Teaching Award, NMSU