Elected Region 5 Governor

Vision statement
Tzufit Boyle is a civil engineer with nearly 25 years of experience in surface water design and operations, groundwater contamination, wastewater design, and solid waste design and planning, and has been volunteering at the Palm Beach Branch and Florida Section since 2011. She will provide specific support to local sections and branches, as well as our student chapters, by providing best practices ideas for growing and retaining membership, and by providing the resources available to all leaders. Having seen branches that struggled to remain active in a large geographic area, she is able to assist with ideas and planning. She will assist Region 5 in being more effective in funding local section, branch, and student chapter activities, and ensure that the student chapters have a wealth of resources in planning and executing symposia and promoting the profession at the onset of their careers. She will continue to advocate for the profession and our interest at the Legislative Fly-In and continue to foster a relationship with Congressmen and women for the benefit of our infrastructure.
Biographical statement
- BS Civil Engineering with minor in Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998
- BS Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998
Certification and licenses
- Professional Engineer, Florida
- Project Management Professional, PMP
Work experience
- Environmental Project Manager, Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County, 2018-present
- Water Resources Engineer, HDR, Inc., 2012-2018
- Project and Construction Manager, South Florida Water Management District, 2009-2012
- Staff Engineer, Brown & Caldwell, 2003-2009
- Engineer, JA Jones Construction, 2000-2002
- Engineering Intern, Environmental Strategies Consulting LLC (WSP), 1998-2000
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Best Practices Presenter for the LTC in seminars and at MRLC
- Local Chair, ASCE 2024 National Convention in Tampa
Local level
Florida Section
- Past President, 2022-23
- President, 2021-22
- President-Elect, 2020-21
- Conference Chair, 2021 Florida Conference
- District 1 Vice President, 2017-19
- Communique Chair, 2016-17 Palm Beach Branch
- Past President, 2015-16
- President, 2014-15
- Vice-President, 2013-14
- Secretary, 2012-13
- Scholarship Chair, 2011-12
Other volunteer activities
- Committee Member, Scouts BSA Troop 100, 2021-present
- Secretary, Scouts BSA Troop 100, 2018-2021
- Committee Member, BSA Cub Scouts Pack 100, 2013-18
- Member, EWRI, 2010-present
- Member, AWWA, 2014-18
- Outstanding Alumni Service Award, Carnegie Mellon University, Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Author, “ASCE”, Engineering Florida magazine, Spring 2023