Nomination Deadline: February 1st

This prize was established and endowed in 1939 by Daniel W. Mead. The prize was established and endowed in 1939 by Daniel W. Mead, Hon.M.ASCE, a Society past president.

2024 Recipient

  • Joseph Dib, P.E., M.ASCE

2025 Topic

Consider the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse in Maryland, the Interstate 95 Collapse in Pennsylvania, or other infrastructure disasters. Civil engineers are responsible for planning, designing, constructing, maintaining, and operating infrastructure while protecting and advancing the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Following large infrastructure disasters, civil engineers are often placed in the public spotlight to respond and assess the cause of the disaster and how to prevent future similar events.
Considering ethics, what role do civil engineers play in the prevention and response to an infrastructure disaster? Should an infrastructure disaster rouse civil engineers globally to advocate for more resilient protections for built infrastructure from climate-driven and/or man-made disasters?

Authors are encouraged to develop and apply their own original thoughts. The use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing models (NLP) such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT© are neither encouraged nor discouraged. However, if such models are used, all instances shall be cited as work completed by the respective generative AI/NLP. Failure to cite all instances of generative AI/NLP use will be considered plagiarism.

Citation information can be found starting at the references section of this page.


Questions should be directed to ASCE Younger Member Services.


  1. The Daniel W Mead Prize for Younger Members of the society may be awarded annually on the basis of papers on professional ethics. Each year the Committee on Younger Members shall select the specific topics of the contest for the forthcoming year.
  2. Younger Members of the Society who are in good standing at the time their papers are submitted are eligible, unless they have previously received the national award for which they are competing. For the purpose of this prize, Younger Members are defined as Affiliate Members, Associate Members or Members 35 years of age or less on February 1 on the year of the award.
  3. Papers for the national contest shall (a) not exceed 2,000 words in length; (b) be written by only 1 person; and (c) not have previously been published in Society publications.
  4. Papers shall be judged by the Committee on Younger Members (CYM). The Committee shall select one nominee as the national winner. Certificates of Commendation may be given to other deserving nominees. The nominations, if any, shall be presented to the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction for approval.
  5. The recipients of Certificates of Commendation shall receive an appropriate certificate recognizing their achievements. The national winner shall receive a plaque and cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction based on the income from the award endowment. The papers written by the national winners shall be forwarded to an appropriate Society journal for consideration to print.
  6. Active voting members of CYM shall not be eligible for the award. Corresponding Members of CYM are eligible.


To nominate, submit the following to Younger Member Programs in a single .pdf file:

The name of the file shall follow this format:

  • Mead Prize for Younger Members - Name of Nominee. pdf

Entries must be received by 5:00 pm (EST) February 1.

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