Nomination Deadline: November 1st
This award was instituted and endowed in 1954 by Mrs. Howard in honor of her husband, Ernest E. Howard, Past President, ASCE.
Recent winner
- 2025: Michel Bruneau, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng., F.SEI, Dist.M.ASCE
- The award is known as the Ernest E. Howard Award.
- The award is made annually to a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers who has made a definite contribution to the advancement of structural engineering, either in research, planning, design or construction, including methods and materials, these contributions being made in the form of a paper or other written presentation or through notable performance or specific actions which have served to advance structural engineering. Candidates must be ASCE members in good standing at the time of nomination.
- Not more than 1 award is made each year unless the achievement upon which the award is based is considered to be the contribution of more than 1 person, such as joint authorship of a paper. In such cases duplicate or multiple prizes are tendered, provided that the balance then available in the award fund is adequate for the purpose.
- The annual recommendation as to the recipient shall be made by the Committee on the Ernest E. Howard Award to the Executive Committee of the Board of Direction. This Committee shall consist of three members who shall have overlapping terms of service of three years. The chair is the member who, at the time of appointment is an active member of CTA or of one of CCTA's Technical Divisions. The other two members are, at the time of appointment, the chairs who have most recently retired from the Structural Engineering Institute Awards Committee and the Board of Directors of the Construction Institute.
- The Committee on the Ernest E. Howard Award may also designate "second and third order of merit" nominees. These candidates will be reconsidered by the Committee for the next two years. When a recipient is selected, the Award Selection Committee shall also notify the Honors and Awards Program office in writing, the nominees designated to be reconsidered in the next award cycle. Other remaining candidates will be reconsidered only if responsored after a five-year waiting period.
- The award consists of a gold-plated medal, and a cash honorarium determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction based on the income from the award endowment.
To nominate, submit the following:
- A cover letter, signed by the nominator
- An Official Award Nomination form (PDF)
- The nominee's CV or biographical information
- Two or three letters of recommendation (max)
You can submit your nomination electronically to [email protected], or by mail to:
ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191