Nomination Deadline: October 1st

This award was established by the Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Division (now the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, & Rivers Institute) and the Hydraulics Division (now the Environmental & Water Resources Institute) to honor Hans Albert Einstein for his outstanding contributions to the engineering profession and his advancements in the areas of erosion control, sedimentation and alluvial waterways. The funds were contributed by the honoree's friends and former students in appreciation of his positive influence on their professional development. The award was officially instituted by action of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction in October 1988.

Recent winner

  • 2025: Bruce W. Melville, Ph.D., M.ASCE

View all winners


  1. Candidates must be ASCE members in good standing at the time of nomination.
  2. Award recipients are selected by an award committee composed of 3 members from the Coasts, Oceans, Ports and Rivers Institute and 3 members from the Environmental and Water Resources Institute. The Waterways Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute and the Sedimentation Committee of Environmental and Water Resources Institute provide at least 1 member each to the award committee. The chair of the Award Selection Committee alternates annually between the representatives of the two institutes having the longest tenure on the committee. Nominations are submitted to Society approval by the ASCE Executive Committee through the Executive Committee of both institutes.
  3. The Waterways Committee of the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute and the Sedimentation Committee of Environmental and Water Resources Institute decide on alternate years the location that the award will be given.
  4. Not more than 1 presentation of the award is made each year unless the achievement upon which the award is based is considered to be the joint contribution of more than 1 person, such as the joint authorship of a paper. No one may receive the award or a portion thereof more than once.
  5. The award consists of a specially designed plaque and a cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction based on the income from the award endowment. If the award is presented for a group accomplishment, the lead recipient shall receive the plaque and cash prize. All other recipients shall receive only a certificate.


To nominate, submit the following:

You can submit your nomination electronically to [email protected], or by mail to:

ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191