Nomination Deadline: October 1st

The Pioneers in Groundwater Award recognizes and honors an individual with pioneering contributions in the teaching, research, and/or practice of groundwater science and engineering.

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Recent winner

  • 2025: No awardee

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  1. Up to one award is given per year. Membership of ASCE or EWRI is not required.
  2. The award consists of a certificate 
  3. The award recipient will be invited to present the plenary lecture at the Groundwater Council Awards function or Groundwater Symposium during the EWRI World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. In addition, the award recipient is encouraged to participate in the annual Groundwater Symposium.
  4. Selection Process: The Groundwater Award Selection Committee shall be composed five (5) members of the Groundwater Council. The Chair of this committee will be the Groundwater Council’s representative to the EWRI Awards Committee. The Council Awards Committee shall recommend a nominee to the EWRI Groundwater Council. Upon approval by the Groundwater Council, the selection will be provided to the EWRI Awards Committee, which submits the recommendation to the EWRI Governing Board for final approval.

Nomination Process

To nominate, submit the following by October 1 to EWRI :

  • A cover letter, signed by the nominator, describing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award
  • An Official Award Nomination form
  • The nominee's CV or biographical information
  • Two to three (maximum) letters of recommendation

EWRI Awards

Nominations for many awards are due October 1. Always review individual award rules for full details on how to nominate a deserving candidate.

View all EWRI awards