Nomination Deadline: October 1st

The Rudolph Hering Medal was instituted and endowed in 1924 by the Sanitary Engineering Division (now the Environmental & Water Resources Institute) of the American Society of Civil Engineers, in honor of Rudolph Hering, past Vice President of the Society.

Recent winner

  • 2025: David A. Chin, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE 
    For the paper, “Separation of Infiltration and Inflow in Sanitary Sewers,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, September 2023.

Read the 2025 award-winning paper

View all winners


  1. The prize may be awarded annually and shall consist of a bronze medal and cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Direction, with the advice of the Governing Board of the Environmental & Water Resources Institute, based on the income from the award fund. The lead author shall receive the medal and cash prize. All other recipients shall receive only a certificate.
  2. All original papers authored or co-authored by ASCE members dealing with water works, sewerage works, drainage, refuse collection and disposal, or any branch of environmental engineering which are presented to the Society, in finished form, whether presented to the Environmental & Water Resources Institute or otherwise, are open to the award, provided that such papers have not been previously contributed or published elsewhere. Papers published in a print issue of an ASCE journal in the 12 month period ending with June of the year preceding the year of award are eligible.
  3. The medal is awarded to the author, or authors, of the paper which contains the most valuable contribution to the increase of knowledge in, and to the advancement of, the environmental branch of the engineering profession.
  4. In any year when the excellence of more than one paper justifies it, the Award Selection Committee may designate a "second order of merit." A paper so recognized is considered eligible to compete in the award for the next year. When a recipient is selected, the Award Selection Committee shall also notify the Honors and Awards Program office, in writing, the nominees designated to be reconsidered in the next award cycle.
  5. The Award Selection Committee shall consist of three members of the Environmental & Water Resources Institute appointed by the Governing Board, whose duty shall be to recommend nominations for action by the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction.



To nominate, submit the following:

You can submit your nomination electronically to [email protected], or by mail to:

ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191