Nomination Deadline: May 1st

The Student Leadership Award is given each year by the Committee on Student Members to students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership to their ASCE Student Chapter.

Recent winners


  • Andrew Kline, A.M.ASCE Villanova University
  • Mason Koyama, S.M.ASCE, University of the Pacific
  • Benjamin Kratt, A.M.ASCE, University of Louisville
  • Aracely Lopez Maldonado, A.M. ASCE San Jose State University
  • Valeria Nunez Cantu, S.M.ASCE, Tecnologico de Monterrey
  • Saad Rehmatullah, S.M.ASCE, New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Elijah Riuz, S.M.ASCE, United States Military Academy
  • Sarah Sakakihara, A.M.ASCE, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  • Katherine Smith, S.M.ASCE, Utah State University

View all winners


  1. Student must be a national ASCE member and a student chapter member in good standing at the time of application.
  2. Student must have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in a Student Chapter through various activities (e.g., serving as a chapter officer, leading special events, interacting with university administration and ASCE Sections/Branches).
  3. Nomination must come from Faculty or Practitioner Advisor, Department Head or Section/Branch Officer.
  4. Only 1 nomination will be accepted from each student chapter.
  5. Student must an undergraduate at the nominating school during the Spring semester of the year of the award.


To nominate, submit a single PDF file containing:

  1. completed nomination form (PDF)
  2. A personal statement from a student or other advisor

The name of the file shall follow this format:

Last Name of Nominee - Name of University.pdf

Send submissions to [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. EDT, May 1.