This award was established to honor individuals for notable contributions that have served to advance engineering and science in the field of urban water resources research, the Founders of EWRI's Urban Water Resources Research Council, and pioneers in the fields of urban water management and stormwater research.

The contributions of D. Earl Jones, Jr., Stifel W. Jens, J.C. Geyer, Carl F. Izzard, William C. Ackerman, and the original Council Program Director Murray B. McPherson and Deputy Program Director L. Scott Tucker to the science are timeless and their creation of the Council encouraged the research, engineering, and regulatory community to reach new heights of understanding of urban water resources. The funds for the award were obtained through the solicitation of gifts from their colleagues, admirers, and friends of the Urban Water Resources Research Council Founders. It was instituted by the EWRI Governing Board in August 2019.

Learn how you can help support the Urban Water Resources Research Council Founders' Award.

2025 Award Recipient

  • Allen P. Davis, Ph.D., D.WRE, P.E., F. ASCE, F. EWRI

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  1. Only an individual holding or having held any grade of membership in the Environment and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers is eligible for the award. Membership in EWRI must be concurrent with major contributions to the field of urban water resources research. An individual may receive the award only once; previous winners are ineligible.
  2. Nominations will be considered valid for 2 years, as long as the nominee continues to be ranked among the top 5 candidates for this award.
  3. The Award Selection Committee shall be composed of a minimum of 3 members of UWRRC. The Chair of this committee will be the Past Chair of the Urban Water Resources Research Council. The other two members will be past recipients of this award or past chairs of the Council as determined by the Council's Executive Committee.
  4. The UWRRC Council Awards Committee shall recommend a nominee to the EWRI Awards Committee, which submits the recommendation to the EWRI Governing Board for final approval.
  5. The award shall consist of a wall plaque and a cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the EWRI Awards Committee.
  6. The recipient will be invited to deliver the Urban Water Resources Research Council Founders' Lecture at an appropriate meeting of the Institute.


To nominate, submit the following:

  • A third-party letter of nomination describing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award.
  • The nominee's CV or biographical information.
  • A minimum of 3, maximum of 5, letters of recommendation from colleagues intimately familiar with the nominee's notable contributions that have served to advance engineering and science in the field of urban water resources research.
  • Submit a complete EWRI Awards Nomination form (PDF) to [email protected].