Nomination Deadline: October 1st

The Ven Te Chow Award was established to recognize lifetime achievement in the field of hydrologic engineering. Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. donated funds to support this award. It was officially instituted by action of the Board of Direction in 1995. It is administered by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute through the Honors and Awards Program.

Recent winner

  • 2025: Paul Bates, Ph.D.

View all winners


  1. The award may be presented annually to individuals whose careers in the field of hydrologic engineering have been distinguished by exceptional achievement and significant contribution in research, education, or practice.
  2. The award will be given without regard for Society membership, and will be limited to 1 individual each year unless a nomination is based on work which was a joint effort of substantial duration.
  3. The award consists of a crystal trophy and cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Direction based on the income from the award fund. In the case of a joint effort, the lead recipient shall receive the trophy and cash prize. All other recipients shall receive only a certificate.
  4. The Ven Te Chow Award Committee, whose members are the voting members of the Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee of the Watershed Council and one member of the Ground Water Council, who shall be appointed annually by the Ground Water Council, shall recommend a nominee to the EWRI Awards Committee. The EWRI Awards Committee shall seek approval of the Governing Board of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute. If approved by the EWRI Governing Board, the recommendation shall be presented for final action to the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction.
  5. The award will be presented at the Environmental and Water Resources Institute annual specialty conference, and the recipient will be invited to present a lecture on that occasion. The lecture will be published in the Division's Hydrologic Engineering Journal.


To nominate, submit the following:

You can submit your nomination electronically to [email protected], or by mail to:

ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191