Career Booster Series
Date: Monday, Dec. 13, 2021
As author Mark Sanborn suggests, leadership isn’t about having a title. It's about helping others grow… a genuine leader acts with purpose, cares about others and listens to them, and looks for impactful ways to encourage and development of others. As civil engineers, we are called to be leaders. We plan, design, construct, and maintain the systems that shape people’s lives.
Those in this profession must accept their servant leadership role; they must become a change agent. It is up to us to provide the foundation for an inclusive socioeconomic platform that is equitable for all. We must accept the responsibility to be environmental stewards in everything we do. We must place others before self as the new ASCE Code of Ethics outlines. As servant leaders we strive to ensure that we do the right project, not just find satisfaction in doing the project right.
Finding one’s passion comes as one advances a cause that is greater than themselves, and now is the time for each of us to accept our leadership obligations to improve the quality of life while effecting impactful, positive change. Dr. Truax will speak about his servant leadership journey; as a professional, an academician, and eventually Society leader. This presentation will address the ethics of leadership, the importance of technical competence, and the commitment to make a difference. It will also introduce opportunities and considerations for others to accept this grand challenge…to live an impactful life.
Presenter: ASCE President Dennis D. Truax, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, BC.WRE, F.NSPE, F.ASCE
Moderator: Teresa Lewis, P.E., M.ASCE