Blaine Wruck is a Transportation Engineer with the Deschutes County Road Department in Bend, Oregon, where he manages capital construction projects, performs traffic engineering and the County’s pavement management program. Blaine has 7 years of experience in engineering which includes consulting and public agency roles. His background includes pavement engineering, traffic engineering, project management and construction inspection. He also worked as an asphalt pavement technology researcher at Oregon State University (OSU) within the Asphalt Material Performance Laboratory.

Blaine serves as the Vice-Chair of T&DI's UAS Committee. Blaine is a Part 107-certified Remote Pilot and has over 4 years of commercial UAS experience related to transportation and pavement engineering. Blaine developed a protocol for UAS-based visual pavement inspections for asphalt and concrete pavements. He also uses UAS to perform various tasks related to traffic engineering, infrastructure inspections and construction monitoring.