David G. Abbott has a B.Eng degree from Liverpool University in England in civil engineering. He is a registered professional engineer throughout Europe, and is presently an Independent Consultant.
He has nearly 40 years of experience in underground construction and has been actively involved in the design and construction of tunneling, pipe jacking, microtunneling, and other forms of trenchless technology for many years. His expertise covers all aspects of project development from project evaluation and feasibility study through conceptual and detailed engineering to equipment selection, project construction, construction management through to forensic and expert witness work.
Since1983, he has been involved with more than 400 tunneling, pipejacking, and microtunneling projects. Before joining Jason, he was based in the USA as a senior executive with two of the leading international tunnel equipment manufacturing and supply companies. His international experience is extensive having worked in Europe, SE Asia, Australia, North, South and Latin America.
David is a well-known speaker at North American and international tunneling and trenchless technology conferences and seminars and has presented more than 30 papers at various forums and conferences in many countries. He has also written numerous articles for technical journals and was a technical advisor on the recent ASCE Utility Tunneling Video.