T. Eric Stafford is a registered professional engineer specializing in wind hazard mitigation and code development activities. He is currently President of T. Eric Stafford & Associates and serves as a building code consultant for various groups including the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), FEMA, and others. Stafford has authored and partnered with ICC and ASCE Press to publish numerous books including the Significant Changes to the Minimum Design Load Provisions of ASCE 7-16. He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and a Master of Science (Structural emphasis) from Auburn University. Stafford has served as a member of the ASCE 7 Task Committee on Wind Loads, the National Hurricane Conference and numerous other related committees. Stafford has participated in numerous windstorm damage investigations, most recently the Hurricane Michael FEMA MAT. He was also Manager of Codes for the International Code Council and Director/Code Development for the Southern Building Code Congress.
T. Eric Stafford, P.E.

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