ASCE has honored Allan H.M. Bradley, P.Eng, M.ASCE, with the 2022 CAN-AM Civil Engineering Amity Award for an outstanding 30-year career developing and implementing new technologies in the field of road and truck-road analysis, and his technical leadership in collaboration with U.S. and Canadian professionals involved in cold regions engineering.
Bradley has had an outstanding career in the field of road and truck-road analysis and testing. His work involves analysis and implementation of new technologies (primarily for log hauling). Included are the evaluation of geotextile-reinforced-soil (GRS) road and crossing structures, span designs for log stringer bridges, and TPCS for forestry. More recently, Bradley has worked on developing rational-based methods to end SLR and winter weight periods, analyzing the structural capacity of freezing pavements to support winter weight policy optimization, analyzing the capacity of bridges and ice bridges, assessing and adapting resource roads to make them more resilient to climate change, analyzing infrastructure impacts and geometric requirements of new high-efficiency truck configurations, and developing lignin-modified asphalt for use in Canada.
Bradley has collaborated with and shared ideas with the USDA Forest Service, had significant involvement with the U.S. Transportation Research Board Committee on Low-Volume Roads, and published papers at TRB, ASCE, TAC, and other international conferences. He has been widely recognized for his achievements.
The Can-Am Civil Engineering Amity Award is given to a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers or of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers for either a specific instance that has had a continuing benefit in understanding and goodwill, or a career of exemplary professional activity that has contributed to the amity of the United States and Canada.