Satya Narayan Varadhi, Ph.D., PE, D.GE, F.ASCE, an engineer with over 40 years of professional experience encompassing geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Varadhi’s work includes project and technical management of geotechnical, environmental, and civil engineering projects. This has meant management of remediation and superfund projects with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE); manufactured gas plant (MGP) sites investigation/remediation/management; remedial investigations; landfill and remedial design; underground storage tanks (USTs) management/remediation/closure; assessment of groundwater seepage; and extensive design experience related to deep foundations and retaining structures for nuclear/fossil power plants/industrial structures.
He has taught courses in geotechnical engineering and P.E. review courses in geotechnical engineering and surveying at IIT. At Gas Technology Institute (GTI), Varadhi managed research projects on treatment of contaminated sediments and mercury vapor in the air; he has published technical papers and made presentations at several conferences.
He provided assistance to a U.S. government client in resolving an ongoing negotiation with the construction contractor, construction oversight firm, and beneficiary (each confidential) regarding construction issues related to a 2.5-km-long boulder retaining wall with a height 3 m to 10 m for a road.
Varadhi also prepared the “Geotechnical Analyses” section as a part of the Bridge Design Manual for a U.S. government transportation project, and provided geotechnical design consulting services to develop and construct a Volkswagen/Audi automobile manufacturing plant on a 400-hectare site in San Jose Chiapa, Mexico. This included design of a platform to support large UDLs meeting the required stringent settlement criteria.
He participated in teaching ethics courses (Academy of Geo-Professionals Ethics Workshops) at four Geo-Congresses at Oakland (2012) and San Diego (2013) in California, in Atlanta (2013), and at the 2015 International Foundation Conference & Equipment, San Antonio, Texas. Additionally, he presented ASCE Ethics Webinars Part 1/Part 2 in October 2016.
Varadhi started his career as a soils engineer, advanced to senior geotechnical specialist, senior geotechnical engineer/manager, managed various engineering departments, served as a chief engineer and technical director, was a senior project engineer/design practice leader, and is currently a senior project manager.
He currently serves as a board member for AGP, a member of ASCE’s Civil Engineering Certification (CEC) Task Committee on Messaging and Marketing, and a member of the Geo-Institute’s Continuing Education Committee.
Varadhi earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in 1977 from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, and his B.E. and M.E. (SM&FE) from the Osmania University (OU), Hyderabad, India. He is a registered professional engineer in California, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, and Texas.