Michael Horst, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, a faculty member in the Department of Civil Engineering at the College of New Jersey, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Horst, for nine years, served as chair of the department. He teaches several courses in water resources engineering: Fluid Mechanics, Applied Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrologic Engineering, Open Channel Flow Hydraulics, and Hydraulic Structure Design. He also conducts research in the areas of applied hydrologic engineering and 2D flow open-channel flow hydraulics. He has several publications in ASCE and other peer-reviewed journals, as well as numerous conference proceedings.
He has served on the executive board of both the ASCE New Jersey Section and ASCE Central Jersey Branch. Additionally, he is currently a member of the ASCE Curve Number Hydrology Committee. He teaches continuing education courses focusing on both the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS programs, and is active in other professional organizations, including the New Jersey Association of Floodplain Managers and the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.
Horst was the recipient of the 2022 Floodplain Management Leadership Award administered by the New Jersey Section of the Association of Floodplain Managers.