As of today, civil engineers can access ASCE standards more easily than ever before.
ASCE AMPLIFY is the Society’s new digital platform for standards, featuring interactive functionality that makes it easier for civil engineers to put the provisions into practice.
AMPLIFY replaces ASCE 7 Online and includes access to Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE/SEI 7-22, 7-16, 7-10, as well as the new release of Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings, ASCE/SEI 41-23, and its associated Tier 1 Checklists.
“ASCE’s standards follow a rigorous and transparent consensus-based process, engaging multitudes of global infrastructure experts who work together to ensure our infrastructure is future-ready and protects the public health, safety, and welfare,” said ASCE Executive Director Tom Smith, CAE, ENV SP, F.ASCE.
“We are excited to amplify the impact of these critically important standards, including ASCE 7-22, with a new powerful, flexible, and user-friendly platform that will move our profession and the public forward.”
ASCE AMPLIFY allows users to enjoy the same features they’ve employed for ASCE 7 Online and other Society standards. The AMPLIFY interactive interface includes side-by-side commentary, making it simpler to quickly spot updates to standards when compared to previous editions. AMPLIFY also gives users the ability to add their own notes, annotations, and bookmarks.
In addition to standards, the platform includes ASCE’s Hazard Tool, which allows a user to search for specific geographical locations and receive precise hazard data for eight environmental hazards specific to the location, helping engineers better prepare structures for likely environmental threats using applicable ASCE standards.
While the platform launches with ASCE 7 and ASCE 41, more standards and materials will be added to AMPLIFY in 2024.
Learn more about ASCE AMPLIFY.
ASCE AMPLIFY is available for both individual and corporate subscriptions by emailing [email protected].