George C. Manos, a researcher into earthquake engineering and structural dynamics whose advances have made buildings, industrial facilities, bridges, and historic structures safer and more resilient, has died.
Manos, Ph.D., M.ASCE, was an ASCE life member and professor emeritus of civil engineering at Greece’s Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where he served as director of its Laboratory of Strength of Materials and Structures. He also had 35 years of experience as a consultant.
He oversaw numerous applied research programs related to earthquake-resistant structures, staging experiments and numerical simulations of structural systems. Manos published his findings in more than 190 technical papers. He served on the editorial boards of many journals including Masonry International and the International Journal of Engineering Modelling and was a reviewer for several ASCE journals.
Manos served on the postgraduate faculty at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and was a visiting research fellow to Imperial College, University of London and to the University of Bristol, and visiting professor to the University of California at Berkeley as well as the IIS in Tokyo.
For more than 30 years he was special advisor to Greece’s Ministry of Public Works during postearthquake efforts and served as director or member of earthquake-protection committees in Greece. He took part in postseismic reconnaissance teams around the world and wrote papers on architectural heritage in seismic areas. Manos was active on the scientific committees of numerous international or national conferences on the subject of earthquake engineering, liquid storage tanks, masonry structures, and cultural heritage structures, and aided in developing seismic design guidelines for the U.S. and Greece.
Manos received his civil engineering degree from Aristotle University, Greece and a Ph.D. in structural engineering from the University of Durham, England. In addition to ASCE, Manos was a member of ICE, EERI, the American Masonry Society, the British Masonry Society, and other related groups.