Srinivas Peeta, Ph.D., F.ASCE, the Frederick R. Dickerson Chair and Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Peeta is also principal research faculty at the Georgia Tech Research Institute. Up to 2018, he was the Jack and Kay Hockema Professor at Purdue University. He served as founding Director (2006-2018) of the NEXTRANS Center, USDOT’s Federal Region 5 University Transportation Center. He was associate director (2016-2018) of USDOT’s Center for Connected and Automated Transportation.
Peeta’s research broadly spans transportation and infrastructure systems. He has authored over 500 technical publications. He has over 600 talks in several countries, including about 160 invited talks. He has received over $56 million in funding from USDOT, NSF, FHWA, Indiana DOT, US DOE, NIH, NASA, etc. Six dissertations supervised by Peeta received best dissertation awards from CUTC, IATBR, and COTA. Six papers jointly co-authored with students received best paper awards from conferences (ASCE AATT, IEEE ITSC, TRB) and journals.
Peeta has received the INFORMS Transportation Science Best Dissertation Award, NSF CAREER award, ASCE Walter Huber Research Prize, UniSA (Australia) Distinguished Researcher Award, Purdue College of Engineering Mentoring Award, and IIT Madras Distinguished Alumnus Award.
He served (2007-2013) as Chair of the Transportation Network Modeling Committee of the TRB of the National Academies and is currently a member of the TRB Standing Committee on Statistical Methods. From 2002 to 2008, he chaired TRB’s subcommittee on Route Choice and Spatio-Temporal Behavior and was member of the Committee on Traveler Behavior and Values. He chaired (2006-2009) Purdue’s System of Systems Signature Area. He was an invited speaker at the 2008 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He has served as panel reviewer for several NSF programs, international grant proposal competitions, and student dissertations. He is/was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for several international conferences.
Peeta is an associate editor for Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. He was (2014-2024) area editor for Transportation Dynamics for Networks and Spatial Economics. He is on the editorial advisory board of several other prestigious journals and serves on the advisory board for Korean Society of Civil Engineering’s Journal of Civil Engineering.
Peeta’s work in dynamic traffic assignment represents a standard for research reference and has guided USDOT’s development of a deployable architecture for real-time management of large-scale transportation systems. He was part of the team that developed the DYNASMART series (DYNASMART-P and DYNASMART-X) software for the Federal Highway Administration, which provides state-of-the-art tools for transportation network planning and real-time traffic operations. Further, his seminal work on interdependencies among critical infrastructure systems has aided the development of holistic solutions.
He received his bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees from Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), Caltech, and University of Texas at Austin.