ASCE has honored Tom S. Ramsey, P.E., M.ASCE, with the 2024 Outstanding Public Official Award for dedicating his career to serving the public and positively impacting the lives of individuals, families, and businesses throughout his 45 years of experience, and for his current commitment as the Precinct 3 County Commissioner for Harris County, Texas.

Ramsey is responsible for serving more than 1.2 million residents at Precinct 3, the third largest in the nation. As an elected public servant, he continues advocacy for smart and innovative engineering by leading a Tech Team of professional engineers to maintain excellence in infrastructure throughout the precinct.  

During his time as mayor of Spring Valley, Ramsey reduced the city’s tax rate by 21% and oversaw its climb to become the safest neighborhood in Harris County. He led the city to create a capital improvement plan and presided over the implementation of numerous infrastructure projects.  

Now, as County Commissioner, Ramsey continues to prioritize safer neighborhoods, lowering taxes, and improving infrastructure. He also carried the torch in obtaining the $750 million for Harris County from the Texas General Land Office for Hurricane Harvey recovery. 

He is a past recipient of the ASCE Houston Engineer of the Year award.  

The Outstanding Public Official Award (formerly known as Civil Government Award) recognizes those members of the engineering profession who have rendered meritorious service in elective or appointive positions in government.
