Grades across 14 categories range from a ‘B+’ for ports to a ‘D’ for transit

Atlanta, Georgia  — The Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the 2024 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure today, with 14 categories of infrastructure receiving an overall grade of ‘C+’. This is the same grade as the 2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure. A ‘C+’ grade means Georgia’s infrastructure is in above-average condition but still requires attention. Georgia’s grade is two steps higher than the national average of ‘C-’ in the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure.

Twelve of the 14 categories evaluated in the Georgia Report Card received grades higher than the national Report Card. Two categories (rail and solid waste) earned the same grade as their national counterparts. These grades show Georgia remains committed to prioritizing its built environment, especially the infrastructure systems that help make Georgia an economic powerhouse.