Grades across 13 categories range from ‘B+’ for bridges to ‘D’ for wastewater and marine highways

Juneau, Alaska — The Alaska Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the 2025 Report Card for Alaska’s Infrastructure today, assigning 13 categories of infrastructure a cumulative grade of ‘C’, which is one step above the national average of ‘C-’ from the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure. This grade is also a one-step increase from the 2021 Report Card for Alaska’s Infrastructure. The report looks at how Alaska’s infrastructure has fared since the last report card and the unique challenges infrastructure systems face in Alaska’s largest cities and smallest communities.

Three of the 13 categories (bridges, dams, and ports) saw grade increases, while three categories (aviation, energy, and transit) saw grade decreases. The report card also includes one new chapter on public parks.