Elected Region 4 Governor

Vision statement
As a Region 4 Governor candidate, my focus is to improve the communication between our local membership, student chapters, and Society. There are many wonderful things that our members do, but we need to be better at recognizing and sharing our successes and improving on our weaknesses so that we can all learn from each other.
As a Practitioner Advisor for over a decade, I have seen how continued involvement and encouragement with students is how we grow our profession and our membership, not only in quantity but in quality. It is vital that we provide the foundation and support throughout their journey because they truly are the future of our organization.
My goal during my time as governor would be to engage with student chapters and younger member groups within the Region to make sure they feel supported and know the important part they play in our Society. I believe that engagement with Students and Younger Members will help retain them as members and allow them to grow their networks.
Finally, our Life Members are invaluable and have a wealth of knowledge and I want to better reach those members to ensure we are continuing to advance our profession.
Biographical statement
- B.E. in Civil Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2004
Certification and licenses
- Licensed Professional Engineer in Tennessee & Illinois
- Project Management Professional (PMP)
Work experience
- CDM Smith, Senior Project Manager, 2017-present
- HFR Design, Associate/Project Manager, 2016-2017
- Stantec, Associate/Project Manager, 2010-2016
- Littlejohn Engineering Associates, Project Engineer, 2004-2010
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Corresponding Member, Leadership Training Committee, 2015-present
- Government Relations Virtual Fly-In, 2021
- Social Event Chair, Eastern Regional Younger Member Council (ERYMC), 2011
Local level
- State Report Card Committee, 2022
- Tennessee Section
- Secretary, 2017-present
- Student Chair, 2011-present
- President, 2016-2017
- Section Officer, 2014-2018
- Nashville Branch
- Board Member, 2011-present
- Branch Officer, 2008-2012
- President, 2010-2011
- Chair, Younger Member Group, 2007-2008
- Vanderbilt Practitioner Advisor, 2008 – present
Other volunteer activities
- Vanderbilt Engineering – External Advisory Board Chair
- TSU Engineering – Industry Advisory Board Chair
- COMTO Secretary
- Big Brothers Big Sisters, Big Sister
- 2020 ASCE Outstanding Practitioner Advisor
- 2019 TSU College of Engineering Industry Award
- 2016 Young Engineer of the Year, TSPE
- 2015 Young Engineer of the Year, TN Section, ASCE
- 2015 Nashville Emerging Leader Award in Architecture, Engineering and Construction
- 2011 Outstanding Practitioner Advisor, ERYMC, ASCE