Region 4 Governor Official Nominee

Vision statement
I plan to focus my attention primarily on three areas: ASCE WV Infrastructure Report Card production and promotion, student branch engagement, section membership service and growth. I will work to impress on society and governmental leadership the importance of civil engineering through the promotion of the infrastructure report card on a local, state and national level. I will encourage civil engineering students to become active section members by enriching the undergraduate experience through involvement at student branch meetings, conferences and regional symposiums along with interaction with educators and practitioners. I will promote the value of ASCE membership and involvement within the student chapters, branches, sections within Region 4 through outreach efforts, communication and involvement. I will work with the Region 4 Board to brainstorm, collaborate and create best practices that can be shared through the Society and to bring value to our members.
Biographical statement
- BS Civil Engineering, West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1985
- Master's of Business Administration, West Virginia University, 1989
Certification and licenses
- West Virginia Professional Engineer 1990
- Ohio Professional Engineer
- Kentucky Professional Engineer
- Virginia Professional Engineer
- West Virginia Professional Surveyor 1992
- National Bridge Inspection Certification 2004
Work experience
- Entry Level Civil Engineer to Executive Vice President, Burgess & Niple, Inc. July 1985 to August 2024 (Retired)
ASCE involvement
Society level
- Legislative Fly-In, West Virginia Section, 2018-present
- ASCE District 6 Chairman, 1997
Local level
- West Virginia Section
- Past President, 1996-1997
- President, 1995-1996
- Vice President, 1994-1995
- Secretary, 1993-1994
- Member, Government Relations Committee, 2018-present
- Co-Chair, West Virginia Section Continuing Education, 1995-present
- Co-Chair, ASCE West Virginia Section Infrastructure Report Card, 2018-present
Other volunteer activities
- Civil Engineering Advisory Board, West Virginia University Institute of Technology, 2012-present
- Engineers Without Borders, Mid-Ohio Valley Professional Chapter, President, 2011-2016
- Chamber of Commerce of the Mid-Ohio Valley, Chairman Transportation Committee, 1996-2001; Board of Directors 2003-2005
- Society of American Military Engineers
- West Virginia University Institute of Technology Alumni Association – Vice President, 1998-2000; President, 2000-2002
- West Virginia Association of Consulting Engineers – Chairman Transportation Committee 2002-2003; Chairman QBS Committee 2003-2006
- Member, Toastmasters International, 1989-2000, 2016-2020
- ASCE National Outstanding Civil Engineer Advocate of the Year, 2021
- Civil Engineer of the Year, ASCE West Virginia Section, 2020
- ASCE National Outstanding Membership Chair, 1997
- ASCE National Top Recruiter, 1997
- Young Civil Engineer of the Year, 1996
- Co-Author, “A Curriculum for the Business of Engineering and Technology,” 1999 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration