Service on an ASCE committee is just one of the many ways in which you can give back to the profession.
Each year, thousands of civil engineering professionals participate in ASCE’s activities by volunteering their technical and professional expertise in support of the Society’s vision and mission to advance the practice of civil engineering. Opportunities exist in Society committees, technical committees, and in the Society's nine Institutes.
Now accepting applications!
Learn more about Board and Society committee opportunities below. To apply to join a committee, complete the application found on each committee's page.
Applications will be accepted from January 15–March 15.
- Individuals interested in service on Board and Society Standing Committees, and their constituent committees, must apply for consideration on-line between January 15–March 15.
- The Society strives to ensure diversity and inclusion is represented in committee compositions.
- Membership and reimbursement is limited to ASCE members in good standing, unless an exception is granted.
- Terms, typically 3 years, begin and end at the conclusion of the Society's Annual Business Meeting.
- Service is limited to a maximum of six (6) consecutive years on the same committee.
- All members are welcome to serve as corresponding members rather than full members of committees.
Board Standing Committees
Charge: The Audit Committee shall oversee all aspects of the Society's financial audits.
Charge: The Executive Committee shall exercise such part of the authority of the Board of Direction as delegated and permitted under applicable law and the Society's governing documents.
Charge: Engage public agency civil engineers in ASCE initiatives and equip them to be ready for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges; facilitate the collaboration of government engineers to enhance the operation of their agencies and improve the services they render to the public; seek to refine the role of an engineer in public service and recognize the critical role the government engineer plays in society at home and across the world.
Charge: Act as an informed and responsible decision-maker advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion interests of the civil engineering community; monitor the development and coordination of products and resources within the civil engineering community that promote and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion; and represent the interest of ASCE to the wider STEM and professional engineering communities.
Charge: Oversee the Society’s financial resource planning including budget development and investment management.
Society Standing Committees
There are five (5) Board-approved committee Focus Areas to direct the work of the Standing Society Committees and their constituent committees. The Standing Society, Constituent Committees and any task committees shall be aligned under one (1) of the five (5) Focus Areas and concentrate their efforts to accomplish their responsibilities in support of their assigned Focus Area.