Nomination Deadline: March 16th

This award was established by ASCE's Project ExCEEd (Excellence in Civil Engineering Education) and the Committee on Faculty Development to recognize and reward outstanding new faculty.

Recent winners

  • 2024: Adrian Biggerstaff

View all winners


Eligible faculty should:

  • be currently employed full-time by a 2 or 4 year institution of higher learning
  • teach Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology or any related field
  • be nominated by an ASCE member (student member and self nominations are encouraged)
  • have no more than 5 years or less full-time teaching experience, not including parental leave rounded to the nearest ½ year increment
  • be a member of ASCE or its institutes


Nomination Deadline: March 16th

Required nomination materials include:

  • Letter of Endorsement from current Department Chair/Dean [no more than 1 page]
  • Curriculum Vitae [no more than 2 pages]
  • Teaching Portfolio [no more than 12 pages]

The Teaching Portfolio must be uploaded as a PDF document with 1-inch margins, 12-point font size (captions are exempt), single-spacing. Any figures or tables must be legible. Digital ePortfolios or URL links shall not be considered. All teaching portfolios should include:

  1. Statement of Teaching Philosophy from Nominee
  2. Evidence of Excellence in Civil Engineering Education teaching (e.g., student testimonials, student evaluations, peer evaluations, etc.) as measured by student learning outcomes
  3. Scholarly work published in educational venues
  4. Sample teaching materials
  5. Evidence of outreach and advisement to students
  6. Sample syllabi demonstrating evidence of curriculum development
  7. Any other relevant items demonstrating excellence in teaching and a commitment to undergraduate civil engineering or civil engineering technology education

Submit Nomination