The Nominations and Elections Committee have unanimously decided to recommend that Heather Gacek, P.E., M.ASCE and Coraggio Maglio, P.E. Aff.M.ASCE be placed on the EWRI ballot as the Official Nominees for EWRI Vice President on the EWRI Governing Board for FY2025.

Get to know the EWRI VP Candidates as they respond to questions during the Open House, moderated by the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Heather Gacek

Heather Gacek, P.E., M.ASCE

Coraggio Maglio

Coraggio Maglio, P.E. Aff.M.ASCE

The election will be held between June 10, 2024 through July 12, 2024.

Being elected to the position of EWRI Vice President entails a four-year term on the EWRI Governing Board and progresses as follows:

  • EWRI Vice President – FY2025 | Commences October 1, 2024
  • EWRI President-Elect – FY2026 | Commences October 1, 2025
  • EWRI President – FY2027 | Commences October 1, 2026
  • EWRI Past President – FY2028 | Commences October 1, 2027 

Announcement of the new ASCE-EWRI GB Vice President will be made before October 1, 2024, the start of the new fiscal year.

More details about the process may be found in the ASCE-EWRI Bylaws, Article VII, or in the most recent ASCE Official Register. Please contact EWRI with any questions, of if you'd like to discuss your interest.