ASCE Standards provide technical guidelines for promoting safety, reliability, productivity, and efficiency in civil engineering. Many of our standards are referenced by model building codes and adopted by state and local jurisdiction. They also provide guidance for design projects around the world.
Interested in Joining the Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure Committee?
ASCE published the first-of-its-kind, non-mandatory Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure (ASCE/COS 73-23) in October 2023. The Society is now working to establish a committee to create a mandatory Sustainable Infrastructure Standard. In accordance with the ANSI-accredited ASCE Rules for Standards Committees, the new committee will have significant representation from the ASCE Committees, Institutes, and the Public. The standardization process to develop the next edition of the standard will be launched with broad public notice and outreach, including a proposal review period during which public comment will be welcomed and encouraged.
Are you interested in being considered for membership on the committee charged with developing the next edition of ASCE 73? To apply, visit the Codes and Standards Committee Application Form page and select Committee on Sustainability (COS) from the Institute or Committee drop-down menu. Then select Standard Practice for Sustainable Infrastructure (ASCE/COS 73) committee.