DiscoverE Engineers Week logo 

February 16–22, 2025

ASCE partners with DiscoverE (formerly the National Engineers Week Foundation) to shine a spotlight on engineering. Engineers Week is a time to:

  • Celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world
  • Increase public dialogue about the need for engineers
  • Bring engineering to life for kids, educators, and parents

Promotional Materials

Plan To Get Messy

What would Engineers Week be without rolling up your sleeves and doing hands-on activities with kids?

Engineer's Week All Year Long

Who said visits to schools, libraries and after-school programs are limited to February? These groups love visitors year-round.

Recognize Volunteers

Engineers Week is the perfect time to celebrate the work volunteers do throughout the year to promote civil engineering in their communities. Every year ASCE invites each Section and Branch to recognize outstanding volunteers. These volunteers may have been involved in local community service, Engineers Without Borders, K-12 outreach, or other acts of service.

What you can do to recognize volunteer service:

  • Every Section and Branch of ASCE is invited to submit the name of an outstanding Engineers Week volunteer for recognition.
  • Hold an Engineers Week banquet or luncheon to honor volunteers.
  • Write letters to volunteers' employers telling them of the volunteer's accomplishments.
  • Include a volunteer feature in your eNewsletter
  • Do you have an outstanding young volunteer (college or professional under 30 years of age)? Nominate him or her as a New Face of Civil Engineering.

Further Assistance