Member Benefit  | September 19, 2024

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ASCE’s strategic plan sets forth a new vision for civil engineering. It renews our commitment to inspire, connect, and serve our global membership to maximize their professional and personal growth and magnify their lifelong professional impact. The plan outlines actions that will significantly impact these goals, including improving pathways toward a more diverse and inclusive, profession, attracting new members from the broader infrastructure community, and cultivating a global, cross-disciplinary community of infrastructure professionals. This is the driving force behind ASCE’s Board of Direction endorsement of simplifying our member grades structure. Hear Ken Mika, P.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE, chair of the Board Strategic Advisory Committee, share what is being proposed and why it matters.


Ken Mika, P.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE, chair of the Board Strategic Advisory Committee