Donald Ballantyne, P.E. is a Principal Engineer with Ballantyne Consulting focusing on risk and reliability of water and wastewater systems.
Mr. Ballantyne spent the first half of his career as a water/wastewater system design engineer with several firms including Kennedy/Jenks Consultants. He then focused on earthquake performance of water and wastewater systems while with Dames & Moore, and EQE.
He has conducted over 75 hazard risk and reliability assessments of utility systems and has worked on major systems serving Vancouver, BC; Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; and San Francisco, California. He has conducted post-earthquake reconnaissance focusing on water and wastewater system performance for 13 major earthquakes including major events such as 1989 Loma Prieta, 1994 Northridge, 1995 Kobe, 2001 Gujarat, India and Nisqually, Washington, and most recently Haiti. All of these evaluations were performed in association with the ASCE Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering (ASCE TCLEE) or the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) and is a contributor to many of their reconnaissance reports.
He is a past chair of the TCLEE Executive Committee and past Director of EERI. He has been active in the American Water Works Association (AWWA) for over 30 years and wrote the AWWA document, Minimizing Earthquake Damage, a Guide for Water Utilities and wrote the chapter titled “Water and Wastewater Systems” in the Earthquake Engineering Handbook by Chen and Scawthorn.