George Robison has been a Project Manager working on Hydrology, Hydraulic and Stream Habitat Restoration projects as well as other projects for McMillen-LLC in Boise Idaho. Of note is the Pend Oreille Utility District Trout Habitat Restoration Program involvement working on the restoration of 164 stream miles in N.E. Washington State. In this ongoing project, he recently created habitat restoration designs using soft engineering for over 10 stream miles on four different streams . He also assisted in permitting and construction and over 7 miles is now completed. In the last 30 months he has overseen the development of 24 dam breach inundation models using both ID and 2D techniques. He has also worked on 1D and 2D modeling to assist in hydraulic designs and general inundation mapping without dam failures using models such as HEC-RAS, FLO -2D and MD and FE SWMS. He has also worked in design build situations in a dam rehabilitation project and on pre design work for a grade control structure on the Sacramento River as well as a new spillway for a dam in NW Oregon.
George was previously the Dam Safety Engineer for Oregon Water Resources Department and earlier the Instream Flow Specialist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. In this capacity George inspected dozens of dams and worked on numerous instream flow studies. He also worked on a stream enhancement to add gravel back to a reach with depleted spawning habitat. Earlier, George was also a professor of Watershed Hydrology and Management at Humboldt State University where he taught hydrology, water law, and watershed analysis as well as other courses. He and the graduate students he supervised, did research on sediment transport, watershed hydrology, instream flow modeling, and the effects of structure in creating stream habitat. Before this, He was the Forest Hydrologist for the Oregon Department of Forestry where he created guidelines for fish passage and large wood placement. Finally George was a surface water hydrologist for the Oregon Water Resources from where he developed hydrologic models and water availability determinations for the entire state of Oregon.
George holds a BS in Forestry from University of Nevada and MS and Ph.D. degrees in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University. His Ph.D. is also a dual degree in Civil Engineering under Water Resources Engineering. George has published numerous papers on the role of large wood in changing channel morphology and creating fish habitat as well.