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This course is part of the Water Treatment Certificate Program.

Lee H. Odell, P.E., M.ASCE

This course is part of the Water Treatment Certificate Program.

Purpose and Background

The main intent of this course is to familiarize practitioners with the requirements for process design of surface water treatment technologies.

The knowledge gained throughout this course will allow participants to identify and calculate the key design criteria for water treatment processes; including:

  • Package Water Treatment Plants
  • Mixing and Flocculation
  • Clarification
  • Lime softening
  • Media Filters
  • Low Pressure Membrane Filters
  • Slow Sand and Diatomaceous Filters
  • Oxidation and Disinfection
  • UV Disinfection
  • Desalination

Benefits and Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Evaluate the applicability of surface water treatment plant processes
  • List the key requirements needed to identify unit treatment processes
  • Identify the unit processes in a surface water treatment plant design
  • Calculate surface water treatment plant design criteria for each unit process
  • Prepare an example basis of design report for a surface water treatment plant

Assessment of Learning Outcomes

Achievement of the learning outcomes by attendees will be assessed through (3) exams.

Who Should Attend?

  • Engineers engaged, or who plan to be engaged, in surface water treatment plant design
  • Engineers and managers who are stakeholders in surface water treatment plant designs

How to Earn your CEUs/PDHs

This course is worth 2.4 CEUs/24 PDHs. To receive your certificate of completion, you will need to complete (3) exams and receive a passing score of 70% or higher.

How do I convert CEUs to PDHs?

1.0 CEU = 10 PDHs [Example: 0.1 CEU = 1 PDH]

Course Outline

Week 1: Surface Water Treatment Plant Processes
Course and Week Introduction
Treatment Technologies for Source Waters
Treatment Requirements and Goals
Design Standards for Surface Water Treatment Plants
Learning Exercise
Selecting Process Options
Treatment Plant Costs
Pilot Testing
Learning Exercise

Week 2: Package Water Treatment Plants
Week Introduction
Complete Surface Water Treatment Plant Options
Media Filter Packages
Membrane Filter Packages
Learning Exercise
Clarification Package Plant
Chemical Feed Packages
UV and Ozone Packages
Learning Exercise

Week 3: Mixing and Flocculation
Week Introduction
Mixing and Flocculation Processes
Mixing Technologies
Mixing Design
Learning Exercise
Flocculation Technologies
Flocculation Design
Process Control and Monitoring
Learning Exercise

Week 4: Clarification Design
Week Introduction
Clarification technologies and application
Sedimentation and plate settling
Ballasted flocculation
Learning Exercise
Solids Contact Clarification
High Rate Solids Contact Clarification
Dissolved Air Flotation
Learning Exercise
Exam: Week 1-4

Week 5: Lime Softening
Week Introduction
Water Hardness and Softening
Lime Softening Process
Single Stage Softening
Learning Exercise
Two-stage Softening
Special Considerations for Lime Softening
Trends in Lime Softening
Learning Exercise

Week 6: Media Filter Design
Week Introduction
Filtration Mechanisms
Traditional Media Filter Design
High Rate Media Filter Design
Learning Exercise
Biological Media Filter Design
Filter Underdrains and Ancillary Equipment
Filter Operation and Maintenance
Learning Exercise

Week 7: Low Pressure Membranes: Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration
Week Introduction
Separation Processes
Selection of Proprietary Systems
System Components for MF/UF
Learning Exercise
Pressure System Configurations
Vacuum System Configurations
O&M Design Issues
Learning Exercise

Week 8: High Pressure Membranes
Week Introduction
High Pressure Membrane Applications
Membrane softening
Brackish water treatment
Learning Exercise
Pre-treatment and Post-Treatment Needs
Energy Recovery Options
Learning Exercise
Exam: 5-8

Week 9: Slow Sand and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration
Week Introduction
Slow sand and DE Filter Concepts
Slow Sand Filter Design
DE Filter Design
Learning Exercise
Slow Sand Filter Pretreatment
Slow Sand Filter Modifications
O&M Considerations for Slow Sand
Learning Exercise

Week 10: Oxidation and Disinfection
Week Introduction
Oxidation and Disinfection Strategies
Chlorine System Design
Chloramine and Chlorine Dioxide
Learning Exercise
Ozone Design
UV Design
Advanced Oxidation Design
Learning Exercise

Week 11: Residuals Handling
Week Introduction
Residuals Streams
Clarification Residuals
Backwash Wastewater
Learning Exercise
Membrane Waste Streams
Recycling Systems
Dewatering and Disposal
Learning Exercise

Week 12: Site Selection and Plant Arrangement
Week Introduction
Technical Site Requirements
Considerations in site selection
Future expansion and treatment changes
Learning Exercise
Common facility arrangements
Campus style arrangements
Constrained site arrangements
Learning Exercise
Exam: 9-12

This course is now running on-demand rather than to a live schedule, making it easier to fit into your life.

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Course Schedule

Week 1: Surface Water Treatment Plant Processes

Learning Outcomes:

  • Determine which treatment plant processes to use for surface waters. 
  • Describe common design standards for surface water plants. 
  • Determine where pilot testing is needed in design. 


  • Treatment technologies for surface water supplies 
  • Surface water treatment plant requirements  
  • Design standards 
  • Selecting process options 
  • Cost estimating resources  
  • Pilot testing for surface water treatment plants

Week 2: Package Water Treatment Plants

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe what a package water treatment plant is.
  • List different types of package plants available. 
  • Identify key design criteria to specify water treatment plant packages. 


  • Complete surface water package plant types
  • Media filter package plants
  • Membrane plant packages
  • Clarification packages
  • Chemical feed packages
  • UV & ozone packages

Week 3: Mixing and Flocculation

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain the role of mixing in drinking water treatment.
  • Describe technologies used for mixing and flocculation.
  • Develop design criteria for each type of mixing system.
  • Develop design criteria for flocculation systems.


  • Mixing and flocculation processes
  • Mixing technologies
  • Mixing design
  • Flocculation technologies
  • Flocculation design
  • Process monitoring and control

Week 4: Clarification Design

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recall different clarification technologies. 
  • Develop design criteria for clarification technologies. 
  • Evaluate alternative technologies for clarification.


  • Clarification technologies and applications
  • Sedimentation and plate settling
  • Ballasted flocculation
  • Solids contact clarification
  • High rate solids contact clarification
  • Dissolved air flotation

Week 5: Lime Softening

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe water hardness and softening treatment.
  • List chemical processes involved in lime softening.
  • Develop lime softening design criteria.
  • Explain special requirements and trends of lime softening.


  • Water hardness and softening
  • Lime softening process
  • Single stage lime softening
  • Two stage lime softening
  • Special design considerations with lime softening
  • Trends in softening

Week 6: Media Filter Design

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe filter mechanisms with media filters.
  • Explain traditional and newer filter design criteria.
  • Describe biological filtration.
  • Identify filter operation and control issues. 


  • Filtration mechanism
  • Traditional media filter design
  • High-rate media filter design
  • Biological media filter design
  • Filter underdrains and ancillary equipment
  • Filter operations and maintenance

Week 7: Low Pressure Membranes: Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe separation processes mechanisms and limitations.
  • Evaluate microfiltration systems.
  • Describe ultrafiltration system.


  • Separation processes
  • Selection of proprietary systems
  • Microfiltration and ultrafiltration system components
  • Pressure system configurations
  • Vacuum system configurations
  • O&M design issues

Week 8: High Pressure Membranes

Learning Outcomes:

  • Differentiate between nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and electro-dialysis reversal applications.
  • Describe the design of high pressure membrane systems.
  • List energy recovery options for high pressure membranese.


  • High pressure membrane applications
  • Membrane softening
  • Brackish water treatment
  • Desalination
  • Pre-treatment and post-treatment needs
  • Energy recovery options

Week 9: Slow Sand and Diatomaceous Earth Filtration

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain slow sand applications and design concepts. 
  • Describe diatomaceous earth filtration designs.
  • Describe limitations of slow sand and DE filtration.


  • Slow sand and DE filter concepts
  • Slow sand filter design
  • DE filter design
  • Slow sand filter pretreatment
  • Slow sand filter modifications
  • O&M considerations for slow sand filters

Week 10: Oxidation and Disinfection

Learning Outcomes:

  • Evaluate alternative oxidation and disinfection strategies.
  • Describe disinfection and oxidation byproducts. 
  • Outline oxidation and disinfection designs.


  • Oxidation and disinfection strategies and considerations
  • Chlorine system design
  • Chloramine and chlorine dioxide design 
  • Ozone design
  • UV design 
  • Advanced oxidation processes 

Week 11: Residuals Handling

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe residuals streams for surface water plants. 
  • List options for recycling residuals streams.
  • Discuss residuals conditioning, dewatering, and disposal. 


  • Residuals streams in surface water plants
  • Clarification residuals handling 
  • Backwash wastewater handling
  • Membrane wastes 
  • Recycling systems 
  • Dewatering and disposal design

Week 12: Site Selection and Plant Arrangement

Learning Outcomes:

  • List elements that affect site selection.
  • Discuss plant arrangement ideas.
  • Evaluate technical and non-technical issues affecting site selection.


  • Technical site requirements
  • Considerations in site selection
  • Future expansion and treatment changes
  • Common facility arrangements
  • Campus style arrangements
  • Constrained site alternatives 

This course outline is subject to change

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