Photios G. Ioannou, Ph.D., Dipl.Eng., P.E., F.ASCE, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Michigan, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
Ioannou’s educational, research, and development contributions have advanced and defined the state of the art in construction engineering and management technologies, principles, and practices, particularly in the areas of tunneling, competitive bidding, project scheduling, innovative project delivery systems, and especially construction simulation.
He is the co-designer and co-developer of the Stroboscope Simulation Language and System, the dominant construction simulation system in the world. Stroboscope is a discrete-event, activity-based, object-oriented simulation programming language and system that has been the standard for construction simulation teaching, research, and practice worldwide since 1995.
Ioannou has been recognized with numerous awards, including the 2009 ASCE Peurifoy Construction Research Award (the highest CE&M research award) and the 1989 ASCE John O. Bickel Award for best original paper concerning the design and/or construction of rail and vehicular tunnels.