Daniel D’Angelo, P.E., F.ASCE, a principal civil engineer with Applied Research Associates Transportation Infrastructure Division, has been named a fellow by the ASCE Board of Direction.
D’Angelo joined ARA after a 33-year career with the New York State Department of Transportation. During his career with NYSDOT, he led and managed numerous statewide programs across 11 Regional Offices and the Main Office, overseeing 1,300 employees with 400 licensed professionals. He was responsible for an annual capital design program of $1.4 billion, led the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) $1.5 billion portfolio of 540 projects in six program areas, was responsible for statewide design quality assurance, and was the statewide coordinator for the Federal Highway Administration Every Day Counts Program. At the national level, he chaired the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 Renewal Technical Coordinating Committee.
In addition, D’Angelo has delivered all project types – bridge replacements, bridge rehabilitations, reconstruction, safety improvements, rehabilitation, element specific, and transit. He has experience in design-bid-build and design-build project delivery methods. As Statewide Director of the Design Quality Assurance Bureau and the Office of Design, his responsibilities included project delivery manuals, specifications, standards, estimating guidance, value engineering, and letting approval for all capital projects. He also led the department’s effort in creating a project delivery risk management process manual and has served as risk manager on several programs and projects, including the $3.9 billion Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement, Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, St. Georges Bridge, Westchester-Rockland County bus rapid transit, Rockaway bridge replacement and resiliency, and Jamaica stations rehabilitation projects.
D’Angelo is a registered professional engineer in New York. He is certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional, Portfolio Management Professional, and Risk Management Professional. He is well versed in risk management processes and practices and an instructor for the National Highway Institutes Risk Management course. Additionally, he has earned a graduate certificate in Teaching & Learning and taught 18 college courses.
He is a member of the Transportation Research Board Committee AKC20 Project Delivery Methods, AKC30 Quality Assurance Management, and AKC40 Construction of Bridges and Structures, and he chairs the AKC30(1) Quality Management of Alternatively Delivered Projects Subcommittee.
D’Angelo serves on several boards supporting the civil engineering community, among which are the University at Buffalo, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council as a member, the Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering Department Advisory Board as chair, and the Institute for Bridge Engineering External Advisory Board as a member. As well, he is a member of New York State Education Department, State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying and Geology, and of ASCE’s Journal of Management in Engineering editorial board. He also assisted with research and authorship of the recent ASCE New York Report Card on Highways.
He received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University at Buffalo, and his master’s in business administration at Norwich University.