The official nominees for ASCE 2026 president-elect are in.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., MPA, F.ASCE, and Kenneth H. Rosenfield, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE, will be on the ballot when Society members have the chance to vote in the 2025 annual election, opening May 1.
ASCE will induct the election winner as the 2026 president-elect next fall at the annual business meeting during the ASCE 2025 Convention in Seattle. They then would assume the role of Society president for 2027.
Carol Ellinger Haddock
Haddock recently completed 20 years with Houston Public Works, including the last seven as the department’s director. Before leading the group, she served as deputy director of engineering and construction as well as for more than a decade as senior assistant director of capital planning and programming.
Haddock’s participation in ASCE dates back more than 30 years. She has served as director of both the Houston Branch and Texas Section, while also being highly active in the Environment and Water Resources Institute. She served as a technical region director on the ASCE Board of Direction from 2016 to 2019. Having been a congressional fellow in 2003-04 and a 20-year ASCE Legislative Fly-In participant, she now serves on the ASCE Committee on America’s Infrastructure.
Her many honors include twice winning the Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award and most recently earning the 2024 ASCE Government Engineer of the Year Award.
“Throughout my life, I’ve been an agent for change. I have always had a heart for the wallflowers, the outcasts, the people that just aren’t part of the ‘in crowd.’ That heart is rooted in that definition of ‘together.’ If we were all together, then we wouldn’t have the outcasts. This is true in our schools, our places of worship, our communities, and even in ASCE. When I see and feel those being left out, I am motivated to act – to bring us together,” Haddock wrote in her nominee vision statement.
Learn more Carol Ellinger Haddock.
Kenneth H. Rosenfield
Rosenfield is a senior project manager for the Ardurra Group in Newport Beach, California. This follows more than 25 years with the city of Laguna Hills as director of public works, city engineer, and most recently interim city manager.
He completed a three-year term on the ASCE Board of Direction in 2023, serving as director of Region 9, where he has been an active member for more than 20 years. He chaired the Society-level Public Policy and Practice Committee in 2019. His many ASCE roles in California include those of Los Angeles Section president and Orange County Branch president. He’s long been an advocacy champion with ASCE at both the federal and state levels.
Additionally, he’s served as president of the Orange County City Engineers Association and three times chaired the Orange County Transportation Authority Technical Advisory Committee for implementing Measure M funding.
His various awards include ASCE Region 9 2019 Outstanding Civil Engineering in the Public Sector and a 25-year service award from the city of Laguna Hills.
“The power of collaboration, underscored by transparent and effective communication, is the catalyst that can propel us towards achieving our shared objectives. We are a vast organization with multiple individual interests and, together, as a collective group, we are powerful. I am a strong believer in collaboration resulting in the additive strength of coming together for a common goal,” Rosenfield wrote in his nominee vision statement.
Learn more about Kenneth H. Rosenfield.
Learn more about the ASCE election.