Civil Engineering magazine December 2020

The opening of the Chase Center arena in San Francisco is the capstone in the transformation of the city’s Mission Bay neighborhood. Located on reclaimed ground with weak soils and a high water table, the project works were innovative above and below grade.
Chase Center arena in San Francisco excels above and below ground
The internet ecosystem is constantly evolving, and it has created a number of unintended opportunities for cyberthieves. Knowing what to do should you fall victim to a cyberthief will prove invaluable.
Protecting your business from cyberthieves
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently decommissioned and dismantled a nuclear power plant onboard a ship — the first of a trio of reactors that must be deconstructed over the next several years.
US Army Corps deconstructs nuclear facilities carefully
The Louisville Water Company achieved a notable goal in March 2020: removing its last known public lead service lines, a milestone reached by only a few other U.S. utilities.
Louisville Water completes its multiyear lead pipe replacement project