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The countries listed on this page receive the specified discounts on ASCE dues, based on their World Bank classification. Your discount will be automatically applied during the application process, based on your primary address. Countries or geographic regions excluded from the list pay the full dues rate. Please use the ASCE dues calculator to determine the required amount of Society dues to activate your new or reinstated membership.

Payment options: You may pay in U.S. Dollars from a U.S. bank account, or by credit card such as VISA, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express. If you do not have access to these options, you may choose Bill me later, which will include choices such as paying by check, or wire transfer (view instructions for wire/ACH transfer).

The following discount levels will be applied to the current regular membership price of $266 (USD) per calendar year, as well as the discounted rate for members 28 years old and younger, and prorated dues based on the time of year you join (PDF). Students always have free membership.

Annual dues - 66% discount

  • Afghanistan (AFG)
  • Burkina Faso (BFA)
  • Burundi (BDI)
  • Central African Rep (CAF)
  • Chad (TCD)
  • Congo, Dem Rep (COD)
  • Eritrea (ERI)
  • Ethiopia (ETH)
  • Gambia (GMB)
  • Guinea-Bissau (GNB)
  • Korea, Dem Rep (PRK)
  • Liberia (LBR)
  • Madagascar (MDG)
  • Malawi (MWI)
  • Mali (MLI)
  • Mozambique (MOZ)
  • Niger (NER)
  • Rwanda (RWA)
  • Sierra Leone (SLE)
  • Somalia (SOM)
  • South Sudan (SSD)
  • Sudan (SDN)
  • Syrian Arab Republic (SYR)
  • Togo (TGO)
  • Uganda (UGA)
  • Yemen (YEM)

Annual dues - 50% discount

  • Angola (AGO)
  • Bangladesh (BGD)
  • Benin (BEN)
  • Bhutan (BTN)
  • Boliva (BOL)
  • Cabo Verde (CPV)
  • Cambodia (KHM)
  • Cameroon (CMR)
  • Comoros (COM)
  • Congo, Rep (COG)
  • Cote D’Ivoire (CIV)
  • Djibouti (DJI)
  • Egypt, Arab Rep (EGY)
  • Eswatini (SWZ)
  • Ghana (GHA)
  • Guinea (GIN)
  • Haiti (HTI)
  • Honduras (HND)

  • India (IND)
  • Jordan (JOR)
  • Kenya (KEN)
  • Kiribati (KIR)
  • Kyrgyz Rep (KGZ)
  • Lao PDR (LAO)
  • Lebanon (LBN)
  • Lesotho (LSO)
  • Mauritania (MRT)
  • Micronesia Fed States (FSM)
  • Morocco (MAR)
  • Myanmar (MMR)
  • Nepal (NPL)
  • Nicaragua (NIC)
  • Nigeria (NGA)
  • Pakistan (PAK)
  • Papua New Guinea (PNG)

  • Philippines (PHL)
  • Samoa (WSM)
  • Sao Tome & Principe (STP)
  • Senegal (SEN)
  • Solomon Islands (SLB)
  • Sri Lanka (LKA)
  • Tajikistan (TJK)
  • Tanzania (TZA)
  • Timor-Leste (TLS)
  • Tunisia (TUN)
  • Uzbekistan (UZB)
  • Vanuatu (VUT)
  • Vietnam (VNM)
  • West Bank & Gaza (PSE)
  • Zambia (ZMB)
  • Zimbabwe (ZWE)

Annual dues - 33% discount

* Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are not included.

  • Albania (ALB)
  • Algeria (DZA)
  • Argentina (ARG)
  • Armenia (ARM)
  • Azerbaijan (AZE)
  • Belarus (BLR)
  • Belize (BLZ)
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH)
  • Botswana (BWA)
  • Brazil (BRA)
  • China (CHN) *
  • Colombia (COL)
  • Costa Rica (CRI)
  • Cuba (CUB)
  • Dominica (DMA)
  • Dominican Republic (DOM)
  • Ecuador (ECU)
  • El Salvador (SLV)
  • Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)

  • Fiji (FJI)
  • Gabon (GAB)
  • Georgia (GEO)
  • Grenada (GRD)
  • Guatemala (GTM)
  • Indonesia (IDN)
  • Iran, Islamic Rep. (IRN)
  • Iraq (IRQ)
  • Jamaica (JAM)
  • Kazakhstan (KAZ)
  • Kosovo (XKX)
  • Libya (LBY)
  • Malaysia (MYS)
  • Maldives (MDV)
  • Marshall Islands (MHL)
  • Mauritius (MAU)
  • Mexico (MEX) 
  • Moldova (MDA)
  • Mongolia (MNG)
  • Montenegro (MNE)
  • Namibia (NAM)
  • North Macedonia (MKD)
  • Paraguay (PRY)
  • Peru (PER)
  • Serbia (SRB)
  • South Africa (ZAF)
  • St. Lucia (LCA)
  • St. Vincent & the Grenadines (VCT)
  • Suriname (SUR)
  • Thailand (THA)
  • Tonga (TON)
  • Türkiye (TUR)
  • Turkmenistan (TKM)
  • Tuvalu (TUV)
  • Ukraine (UKR)
  • Venezuela, RB (VEN)