Nomination Deadline: November 1st

This award is a memorial to the outstanding professional accomplishments of Harold R. Peyton, F.ASCE, and to stimulate awareness and interest in the challenges of cold regions engineering. It was established by the Board of Direction in October 1988.

Recent winner

  • 2025: Craig B. Hazen, P.E., M.ASCE

View all winners


  1. Candidates must be ASCE members in good standing at the time of nomination.
  2. The award will be made annually when, in the judgment of the Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering, a suitable candidate is available.
  3. Recommendations may be made to the Committee on Awards of the Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering by any member of the Society, or may originate in that Awards Committee.
  4. At the discretion of the nominating bodies or individuals, the same person may be nominated in a subsequent year, if eligible under Criteria I and IV.
  5. Deceased persons are not eligible for nomination to the Award, although an award can be made posthumously to a nominee whose petition has reached the Awards Committee during their lifetime.
  6. The Executive Committee of the Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering will nominate a recipient of the Award for action by the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction.
  7. The award consists of a plaque and cash prize determined annually by and subject to the approval of the Executive Committee of the ASCE Board of Direction based on the income from the award endowment. It is presented at the International Cold Regions Engineering Specialty Conference, International Conference on Permafrost or ASCE Annual Conference.


To nominate, submit the following:

You can submit your nomination electronically to [email protected], or by mail to:

ASCE Honors and Awards
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, VA 20191