The Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) is pleased to announce the selection of Halil Ceylan, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, to receive the James Laurie Prize for his contribution to the advancement of transportation engineering with his career contributions in smart, sustainable, and resilient transportation systems. The James Laurie Prize was established by the Society on October 1, 1912, and is named in honor of the first President of the Society.
Dr. Ceylan has extensive experience in pavement field investigation and forensic testing, pavement performance evaluation and modeling, mechanistic-based pavement analysis and design concepts, nondestructive testing and health monitoring of transportation infrastructure systems, smart infrastructure/engineering materials, and engineering application of intelligent data mining and computational intelligence techniques.
Over the course of his career, he has been involved with over 90 research projects related to pavement systems and materials, serving as the principal investigator or co-principal investigator. Research sponsors include the Federal Highway Administration, Portland Cement Association, various state departments of transportation, among others.
Dr. Ceylan has authored and co-authored over 230 publications, which includes 6 edited books, 3 invited book chapters, more than 70 journal articles (plus 3 fully peer-reviewed Geotechnical Special Publications), and over 140 fully-refereed conference proceedings and technical reports. He is also an avid technical presenter, having delivered over 230, including more than 100 invited presentations at universities and conferences with several keynote lectures.
And besides having served on the editorial board for nine international journals, he was a member of over 20 national and international committees and organizations, having organized and chaired many technical conference sessions for these professional associations.