T&DI Special Initiatives
The Board of Governors of the Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of ASCE has established several programs as Special Initiatives of the Institute.
The core purpose behind these initiatives is to address the most immediate needs of the profession through leadership in key technical and nontechnical areas.
This initiative was launched to lead delegations of civil engineers to leading hi-tech firms involved in developing and deploying smart city solutions to discuss deployment challenges, best practices, and lessons learned. CETTs were also designed to visit city, count, and state DOTs leading the deployment of these emerging technologies to discuss the need for technology deployment guidelines and standards.
ExploreThis initiative was set up to increase equity, diversity, and inclusion within T&DI by providing a resource for T&DI members of different backgrounds to foster meaningful connections and share ideas, ensuring cultural competence is a priority in T&DI’s leadership, and actively recruiting diverse membership of student, academic, public, and private sector representatives.
ExploreThe purpose of this initiative is to provide educational opportunities that will enhance the career development and continuing professional development of persons involved in the Institute, study emerging issues that may impact the practice of transportation engineering and bring them to the attention of the T&DI Technical Committees for action, and provide final T&DI approval of continuing education content provided to ASCE in all media formats.
ExploreThis initiative was launched to develop new civil engineering guidelines and standards to help facilitate the deployment of smart technologies in transportation and the built infrastructure.
ExploreThis initiative was launched to develop an integrated approach to policy, planning, and implementation to help current and future transportation professionals integrate public health considerations into their transportation planning, thus supporting sustainability and promoting societal health and well-being.
ExploreThis initiative involves delivering a series of events to train young faulty members in transportation engineering through interaction with panels of recognized and reputed academics to discuss the unique role faculty members play in society, and how young faculty members can successfully launch their careers and enjoy that process at the same time. Training and discussions include elements related to scholarly research and funding considerations, time management, work/life balance, writing habits development, professional service, teaching and scaffolded active learning techniques, and the intangibles that can facilitate progress toward tenure-ship and beyond.