The ‘A-Team’ Shines at ICTD 2022!
Some of you may recall an action-fiction television show from the early 1980’s called the A-Team. Our younger T&DI members may better recall the 2010 movie version of the A-Team that starred Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, and Jessica Biel, amongst others. Each episode of the A-Team began with the development of an elaborate plan to achieve a seemingly unachievable objective, showed the action-packed execution of the plan, and of course for our entertainment, always concluded with the successful achievement the objective as originally conceived and planned. The famous catchphrase at the end was always, “I love it when a plan comes together!”
Those of you who attended the International Conference on Transportation and Development (ICTD) 2022 during the first week of June observed T&DI’s A-Team in action. Under the direction of conference co-chairs Yinhai Wang and Roger Millar, T&DI leaders spent countless hours creating an elaborate plan for ICTD’s success. T&DI’s partnership with the Washington State Department of Transportation brought nearly 1,000 people to Seattle and led to a conference filled with outstanding plenary sessions, action-packed specialty sessions, discussion-provoking academic posters, dynamic workshops and a series of stimulating technical tours.
Throughout the week, I watched T&DI’s real A-Team, namely Muhammad Amer, Leanne Shroeder, and Melissa Willis, work around the clock to execute the daunting conference plan and assure that all conference objectives were successfully completed. I also watched them work tirelessly to make sure each attendee had the best experience possible. When the T&DI leadership team reconvened post-ICTD at the Leadership Summit on Saturday and Board Meeting on Sunday, the entire T&DI A-Team rightfully said, “I love it when a plan comes together!”
After talking about the return to in-person ICTD 2022 for so long, and successfully completing the conference, I could not be happier with my experience in the great city of Seattle and at ICTD 2022. I was able to visit with Department of Transportation Chief Executives from across the country. I was able to join a technical tour to the Amazon Fulfillment Center which was beyond incredible to see. And I was able to meet and visit with many of you, undoubtedly the highlight of all. If your experience was as good as mine, please tell the T&DI A-Team and your colleagues and friends, and plan to attend ICTD again next year and in years to come.
It is such a privilege to work with Amer, Leanne, and Melissa, the outstanding and dedicated A-Team at T&DI. That privilege extends to working with the T&DI Board of Governors, Council and Committee chairs, and all our active T&DI members, all who make the Institute a success. I love it when our plans come together, and they come together regularly with such a great T&DI team.
Now, on we go to Austin, Texas for ICTD 2023! More details to follow soon. Already looking forward to visiting the wonderful city of Austin, enjoying great food and entertainment, and of course, seeing and learning from all of you.
As always, your thoughts and feedback are welcome. Please reach out to me if you would like to learn more or need assistance finding an active role in our Institute. Thank you for all you do and will do for this wonderful Institute we call T&DI. Stay healthy and safe!
Best wishes,

David A. Noyce, Ph.D., P.E.
President, Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)