Scott Murrell 2024
In recent weeks, there has been growing concern about the impact of potential Federal spending cuts and uncertainty about future funding.  One thing that is certain is that now is the time to make the case for continuing investment in infrastructure and the research necessary to sow innovation. For individuals making a compelling argument for investment, it can be a daunting task. Fortunately, you are part of a large organization focused on advocating for needed investment —ASCE.

ASCE is an excellent advocate for civil engineers. On Tuesday, March 25, the ASCE will publish its 2025 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure during a release event combined with a solutions summit . The report card sends a powerful message to the public and politicians about the continuing need for infrastructure investment. In addition, next week, ASCE will also hold its Legislative Fly-In at Washington, DC, “an exclusive and intensive two-day event providing participants with professional development in honing their skills in the public policy process and advocacy, as well as valuable peer-to-peer networking with fellow ASCE influencers.” ASCE members will have an opportunity to meet with their Congressional Representatives or their senior legislative staff and advance the Society’s collective policy priorities while learning beneficial leadership skills they can bring back to the workplace." ASCE volunteers will be making the case for investment in both infrastructure and research. The timing of these advocacy activities could not be better as civil engineers compete for funding in a changing  federal landscape. 

Last week, I presented the PacTrans Spring Leadership Development Seminar at the University of Washington and visited with staff, students (future leaders), researchers and entrepreneurs working with AIWaysion ( a University of Washington Spin-Off Company). I was genuinely impressed with all I met and the coming innovations they are working to deliver. The combination of the workforce development and innovative research being delivered by the University of Washington underscores the need for continued investment. 


Scott Murrell Signature 2024

Scott Murrell, P.E., M.ASCE
President, Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)