The Transportation and Development Institute (T&DI) of ASCE is looking for potential candidates for the FY23 Board of Governors.
4-Year elected position
This position is elected by the membership of T&DI. The Governor is expected to participate in the monthly Board meetings (2 or 3 face-to-face meetings annually and monthly teleconferences in-between. The face-to-face meetings are generally 1.5 days and the teleconferences generally last no more than 90 minutes.) In the first year, the governor acts as the Institute's Treasurer. The Treasurer works with the Institute Director on the budget for the following fiscal year along with reporting on the Institute's financials at the Board of Governors meetings. The Treasurer is a member of the Awards and the Conference Committees. In the second year, the Governor acts as the Institute's Vice President. The Vice President serves as one of T&DI's two delegates to the Technical Region Board of Governors and is a member of the Conference Committee. In the third year, the Governor serves as T&DI's President. As President, the Governor chairs the Board meetings, is the senior T&DI delegate to the Technical Region Board of Governors, and serves on the Nominating Committee. In the last year, the Governor is the Institute's Past President and serves on the Awards and Nominating Committees. The Governor will serve as a liaison to one of T&DI's technical councils. The expectation is that the time required for this position is approximately 10 hours per month with a somewhat higher time commitment during the presidential year. Travel on authorized T&DI business is reimbursed in accordance with ASCE policy.
2-Year appointed position
The member serving in this position is appointed by the other members of the Board of Governors. The appointed Governor will serve as a voting member of the Board and as a liaison to one of the Technical Councils. The appointed Governor is expected to participate in the face-to-face and teleconference meetings of the Board. (See above for the details on the Board meetings.) An appointed Governor is eligible to be re-appointed for one (1) additional 2-year term. The time required for this position is approximately 5 - 8 hours per month. Travel on authorized T&DI business is reimbursed in accordance with T&DI policy.
General criteria
Candidates for the 4-year elected position must be voting Institute members in good standing for a period of at least one (1) year at the time of election. Candidates for the 2-year appointed position must also be voting Institute members in good standing for a period of at least one (1) year at the time of appointment. Candidates for both positions must keep their membership in good standing for the entire time while serving on the Board of Governors. Student members are not eligible to be considered for these positions.
If you are interested in being considered as a candidate for any position on the Board of Governors, you must submit a short (5 pages maximum) resume of your experience. If you have been active in T&DI's activities those should be highlighted. You should also include activities in other organizations that would benefit T&DI along with a statement (150 words or less) of why you should be considered for the Board of Governors. Lastly a potential candidate for the 4-year elected position should include a statement indicating their willingness to stand for election if nominated and to serve if elected. Candidates for the 2-year appointed position on the Board should include a statement indicating their willingness to serve if appointed. If you are interested in any of these positions on the Board of Governors, please submit the required information via email to:
Muhammad Amer, Managing Director, T&DI & Future World Vision
American Society of Civil Engineers
[email protected]
Materials must be received no later than February 1, 2022.